People need to stop
being stupid on the internet. The first one is lulzworthy, but the second one is rage-inducing, and I need to
stop reading it lest I do something else truly horrible to Ben to compensate for the fact that there's no way to actually smack someone through the internetOkay, seriously, rape victims are getting their ENTITLEMENT all
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Comments 15
Post about it on my LJ. Yeah. And warn for that shit. Seriously, it's not hard. I'd feel awful if something I wrote smacked a rape victim in the face because my "artistic integrity" *gags* precluded me from posting a big fat WARNING on my BadWrong Fic of Massive BadWrongness, y'know?
And I believe she means anaphylactic, yes.
Is tarring and feathering too much for this? F**king A**holes!
I am SO GLAD I don't get involved with LJ wank. Can you imagine a less valuable use of your time?
In all these years, I've never known your last name. Howdy do!
Maybe. I'm sorry for her problems, but I'm not responsible for her mental issues. I write what I want to write. If she doesn't like it, she's free to stop reading.
Shit, now I'm wondering if I should stick a dubcon warning on my seduction snippet...
Well, I have to amend that - I suppose a warning would be simple courtesy. I seldom write anything that even the most entitlement-bound professional victim would call 'triggering,'but if I did, I'd probably say so.
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