2010 lists

Jan 01, 2010 16:49

As always, I only count films I see for the first time, since I'm always re-watching films. This is a record for myself mostly, but if you're interested in seeing which films I saw in 2008 and 2009, here are the links:

[ the 2009 list]
[ the 2008 list]

Key: Italics means I really, honestly liked the film a lot for one reason or another. I don't rate them because I can't come up with a satisfying system to do so.


01. The Prime of Miss Jane Brodie (1969)
02. Step Up (2006)
03. Tetro (2010)
04. An Englishman in New York (2009)
05. America the Beautiful (2007)
06. Up in the Air (2009)
07. Outrage (2009)
08. Kissing Jessica Stein (2001)
09. Orphan (2009)
10. Avatar (2009)
11. Sex Traffic (2004)
12. Dorian Gray (2009)
13. Fried Green Tomatoes (1991)
14. Creation (2009)
15. Leap Year (2010)
16. Sherlock Holmes (2009)

17. Where are the Morgans? (2010) (in London)
18. The Wolfman (2010) (in Penzance)
19. A Single Man (2010) (in Oxford)
20. The Lovely Bones (2010) (in York)
21. Valentine's Day (2010) (in Edinburgh)
22. Youth in Revolt (2010) (in Edinburgh)

23. Charlie Wilson's War (2007)
24. Man on Fire (2004)
25. She's Out of my Leage (2010)
26. The Cove (2010)

27. The Portrait of a Lady (1996)
28. Anne Perry: Interiors (2009)
29. Remember Me (2010)
30. Leslie, my name is Evil (2009)
31. The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari (1920)
32. Efter brylluppet (After the Wedding) (2006)
33. En kort En lang (2001)
34. Glorious 39 (2009)
35. Oranges Are Not the Only Fruit (1989)
36. My Fair Lady (1964)
37. Chloe (2009)
38. Der neunte Tag (The Ninth Day) (2004)
39. La faute à Fidel! (2006)
40. Coco Chanel & Igor Stravinsky (2009)
41. Heathers (1988)
42. Au revoir les enfants (1987)

43. Pandora's Box
44. Ghost World (2001)
45. El mural (2010)
46. Unborn in the USA (2007)
47. Carancho (2010)
48. How to Train Your Dragon (2010)
49. A Class Divided (1985)
50. Kiss of the Spider Woman (1985)
51. Elsker dig for evigt (Open Hearts) (2002)
52. Lord of the Flies (1990)

53. Sex and the City 2
54. The Secret Diaries of Miss Ann Lister (2010)
55. L'Aveu (1970)
56. Griffin & Phoenix (2006)
57. The Last Station (2009)

58. Die Ehe der Maria Braun (1979)
59. M (1931)
60. Die bleierne Zeit (1981)
61. Knocked Up (2007)
62. Just Friends (2005)
63. What Rats Won't Do (1998)
64. Eclipse (2010)
65. Paragraph 175 (2000)
66. Dan in Real Life (2007)
67. The Fall (2006)
68. Jude (1996)
69. Toy Story 3 (2010)
70. City of God (2002)
71. L'amant (1992)
72. Blow-up (1966)
73. Stuart: A Life Backwards (tv)(2007)
74. As Good As It Gets ()

75. Sitcom (1998)
76. Pedigree Dogs Exposed (2008)
77. 1914. Le bel été (1996)
78. Anatomy of Hell (2004)
79. Vincere (2009)
80. The Basketball Diaries (1995)
81. Edward VIII - The Nazi King ()
82. God on Trial (2008)
83. Closer (2004)
84. El secreto de sus ojos (2009)
85. Hawking (2004)
86. El juego de la verdad (2004)
87. Four Last Songs (2007)
88. Wild Target (2010)

89. Crónica de una fuga (2006)
90. Mary and Max (2009)
91. The Kids Are All Right (2010)

92. Patrick 1,5 (2008)
93. Eat Pray Love (2010)
94. The Trotsky (2009)
95. Please Give (2010)
96. The Song of Lunch (2010)
97. Baksredorb (Brotherhood) (2009)
98. The Believer (2001)
99. Grey Gardens (2009)

100. Kinsey (2004)
101. The Social Network (2010)
102. Mambo Italiano (2003)
103. American History X (1998)

104. I Love You Phillip Morris (2009)
105. Interview (2007)
106. In the Mood for Love (2000)
107. Hunger (2009)
108. Storm (2009)
109. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows P1 (2010)
110. Easy A (2010)
111. Les soeurs Brontë (1979)
112. Land and Freedom (2995)

113. Despicable Me (2010)
114. The Human Stain (2003)
115. Black Swan (2010)
116. Rabbit Hole (2010)
117. Hitler's British Girl (2007)
118. A State of Mind (2004)
119. L'arnacoeur (2010)
120. Somewhere (2010)

01. La dame à la licorne, by Tracy Chevallier ♥
02. The Glitter and the Gold, by Consuelo Vanderbilt-Balsan.
03. Inventing the Victorians, by Matthew Sweet.
04. El jueguete rabioso, by Roberto Arlt
05. Heart of Darkness, by Joseph Conrad
06. La alta sociedad de la Buenos Aires de la Belle Epoque, by Losada
07. The Great Wall of China by Kafka
08. La casa de Bernarda Alba, by Garcia Lorca
09. L'etranger, by Albret Camus
10. Figa sin fin, by Joseph Roth
11. El beso de la mujer araña, by Manuel Puig ♥
12. La tregua, by Primo Levi
13. The Passport, by Herta Müller
14. Dr. K. Takes the Waters at Riva, by W.G. Sebald
15. Atonement, by Ian McEwan


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