ProsWatch: Wild Justice

Sep 21, 2008 16:35

I have trouble with this episode like others have with Close Quarters or a couple others I like but others don't... There are some really awesome bits in this one but for the most part, I find Bodie unrecognizable. You'd think I'd be all over "dark, vicious, stradling-the-edge-of-sanity, still-waters-run-deep Bodie" but it just doesn't come ( Read more... )

the_professionals, proswatch

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Comments 13

derryderrydown September 21 2008, 21:40:46 UTC
Does anyone honestly think he *wouldn't*?

Me! *waves hand*

He definitely could, without a doubt, but the whole point of his involvement is that Bodie should have gone the legal route to deal with thingummybob. For Cowley to then shoot Bodie would have gone totally against that.

Unless he shot to disable, actually. Shoot Bodie in the knee and then arrest him.


agentxpndble September 21 2008, 21:48:11 UTC
For Cowley to then shoot Bodie would have gone totally against that.

I agree with that, except that he got at far as *SAYING* he would... He said he'd shoot Bodie *dead* if he finished the biker off and he said it with force, pointing his gun at Bodie's head. If he didn't intend to actually do that he would have said it differently - Don't force me to shoot you, or don't make me have to stop you, or you won't get out of this one, Bodie if you do that. It wouldn't make sense for Cowley to back down in any measure after saying that.

What you've said has actually pushed me from straddling the fence and accepting either way, to being deeply disgusted if he *didn't* shoot (had Bodie killed the biker.)


metabolick September 21 2008, 22:14:37 UTC
I think Cowley is too pragmatic to have carried out his threat, which imo was a big bluff. He would have known he couldn't get away with it and CI5 be allowed to continue to exist. I just don't think he could cover up the evidence; shooting someone in the head could not be construed as self-defense or justifiable homicide even for a rogue agent. And of course there's the Doyle factor; if he shot Bodie I think Doyle would stop at nothing to take him down, and he knew this.


sc_fossil September 21 2008, 22:22:18 UTC
I don't mind this episode, but I wouldn't run to it to watch. I don't like Ross or the sensai scenes. The sensai made no sense to me at all. I suppose it's some big philosophical speak, but I'm no good with that sort of thing. Just tell me right out. I hate trying to see behind the layers. I'm a simple kind of gal.

Ross was just obnoxious I think. I think the actor was trying to show her professionalism but it didn't quite work out that way.

But I can watch this ep without expecting much. I do love Doyle in motorcross clothes. Hated his bird, though.


byslantedlight September 21 2008, 23:04:26 UTC
I'm so excited - I finally figured out the whole door-punching scene! (Over at my lj, cos I really do have to get to bed...) And I quite like Ross, cos I remember what it was like, and still is dealing with wallys like Crane and the other doctor, and even the lads - it's tiring when you're just trying to get on with a job! And she does laugh at them - just not in front of them... *g*

WJ is one of my favourite eps actually, and it's one that I see more and more in each time too - especially in the relationship between our lads... *g*


msmoat September 21 2008, 23:11:20 UTC
Hey! It's nice to see you commenting. It's interesting that you find the episode "off in baffling ways. I think I'm much the same. There are parts of it I like very much, and I ought to like the whole better than I do, but...something just isn't right. And I agree with you about Ross. *g* I do like some of the ways she's been portrayed in stories, but on screen I can barely stand her. Ah, well, there are lovely bits in the episode. *g*


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