Global ProsWatch: Dead Reckoning

Aug 03, 2008 15:57

I *have* been watching along on ProsWatch, but we are getting a few episodes that fall boringly into, "I love this episode but don't have anything to say about it out loud." But I feel guilty when I don't post so.... {{{desperately scrambles for something to say}}}

This one is punctuated with four weird off-screen-baggage moments:

Bodie: What ( Read more... )

the_professionals, proswatch

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Comments 2

schnuffi August 4 2008, 09:24:54 UTC
Hm, I thought they were rather playful with each other. Nothing venomous in the "Softie" scene for me. And I think Doyle left Bodie with Anna in the end so he could apologize for having been such an arse. That's my interpretation anyway *G*


agentxpndble August 4 2008, 17:00:47 UTC
In the "softie" scene, they are bantering but I just get this weird coldness/disconnectedness I don't usually get when they are bantering. Maybe it's just my sense of unease left over from the other scenes. I don't know... Their "connection" just seems so our of whack to me all through this ep.

Good idea about that ending scene - When I watch it, the words all make sense but somehow I still leave shaking my head and going... What...?


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