Proswatch Community Viewing: Stakeout

Mar 02, 2008 16:01

This is the only time in the entire series I just want to beat my head against the wall repeatedly until I lose consciousness... It's a damn good thing they gave us what's probably the most fabulous partner moments in the whole show in this one because otherwise, I might be tempted to take a needle and scratch it's existence off my DVD... Or, ( Read more... )

the_professionals, proswatch

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Comments 6

byslantedlight March 2 2008, 22:56:59 UTC
This is the only time in the entire series
You really think that other plots are more believable?! I've got to admit, I love this one - and stranger things have happened at sea, you know... *g*

Edit - Bugger, screwed up the icon again! It was meant to be a much more amused one... though you might think the Scary icon was more appropriate... *g*


towerbridge2006 March 2 2008, 23:59:14 UTC
"And there's absolutely no getting around it... The "You Know what you are? - I know what you think I am." bit is just a brilliant, glimmering jewel of dialog." :)))

Thanks for this. I got sidetracked in the transcripts trying to figure out Bodie's line, because Doyle's response was so intriguing.


msmoat March 3 2008, 00:19:02 UTC
Yes, this is the one that I'd prefer not to show to, say, my family. *g* Really, to anyone who isn't totally concentrating on the lads. *g* But, oh, the lads!

And I agree with you on the scene between Bodie and the blonde. *g*


schnuffi March 3 2008, 05:46:04 UTC
Who cares about the plot when you have Bodie and Doyle to concentrate on anyway. They're sooo lovely together it this one.


andreathelion March 3 2008, 14:55:23 UTC
What more can I say, I just love this ep because of the lads and the banter.
Who cares about the plot *g*


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