Proswatch Community Viewing: Stakeout

Mar 02, 2008 16:01

This is the only time in the entire series I just want to beat my head against the wall repeatedly until I lose consciousness... It's a damn good thing they gave us what's probably the most fabulous partner moments in the whole show in this one because otherwise, I might be tempted to take a needle and scratch it's existence off my DVD... Or, maybe, stab it into my eyes until I'm blind.

An atom bomb? In a freaking bowling alley, planted by white supremacists? Disarmed at the very last second by Doyle?!? Have you lost your minds??? Even if it made some sort of sense at four in the morning, five minutes before deadline, pumped up on caffeine and speed pills, this is a cop show - not Greatest American Hero. The HORROR... It BURNS!

I'm gonna pretend that the tightness of their jeans was so extreme that it cut off all the blood to their brains and they were incapable of seeing reason - I have to tell myself that to survive.

AUUUGGGGHHHH! :::headdesk:::headdesk:::headdesk:::

But, yeah... The banter rocks.

I particularly like Bodie in the scenes where they are trying to figure out scoring and the rules of the game... That little look he gives as he bounces back to the lane after asking Doyle how many they play for knocks me out every time. BHUAHAHAHA!

I've always found that scene between the blond and Bodie where she offers herself up for money out in the carpark (and bodie's rough with her) really, really hot (and perverse.)

I think we *all* love Bodie groping restraining Doyle on the bowling lane. :-)

And there's absolutely no getting around it... The "You Know what you are? - I know what you think I am." bit is just a brilliant, glimmering jewel of dialog. :)))

Bhuahahaha! I love Benny indignantly squawking... "It's not a coach, you know?"

the_professionals, proswatch

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