What??? My God, is she actually discussing the Professionals???

Aug 05, 2005 22:32

Having one of those synchronistic, rambling kind of days where everything weaves together. I think I shall start calling these sorts of days 'Bantock Days'.

Start at the beginning: I'm fascinated with Bodie's apartment. You know, the one in The Purging if CI5 and Need to Know... Every time I watch those, I never even pick up the storyline because I'm obsessively looking at his STUFF and block out all the yapping. I love the apartment - I love the gun collection - I love all the details - That odd little kitchen... But mostly, I love that incredibly HOT sculpture-like wall thingy with the couple in the throws of some passionate embrace. I JUST LOVE IT. And I find it incredibly hot. I haven't a clue what the piece might be and it's been bothering me for years. This is the best shot I can find at Tauna's of it...

Part two: I got home tonight and immediately sat down to read Nick Bantock's The Venetian's Wife. I was so enthralled, I chucked aside all other chores of the evening to read it through to the end. I always feel vaguely stupid at the end of his books - I'm never quite sure what he's saying. And I'm usually disappointed with his romances - I don't think he knows much about women. But regardless, I just LOVE his books. The multi media, patchwork, artifact trail method really engages me. I love his method, I love his art, and his characters usually enthrall me until the last few pages of whatever epic I'm reading.

But I digress... On page 125, guess what? Drawing of art piece on Bodie's wall! Obviously it's something known. Anyone know what?

EDIT: We have closure! See this post.

research!pr0n, art, the_professionals, bantock_day, books

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