What??? My God, is she actually discussing the Professionals???

Aug 05, 2005 22:32

Having one of those synchronistic, rambling kind of days where everything weaves together. I think I shall start calling these sorts of days 'Bantock Days'.

Start at the beginning: I'm fascinated with Bodie's apartment. You know, the one in The Purging if CI5 and Need to Know... Every time I watch those, I never even pick up the storyline ( Read more... )

research!pr0n, art, the_professionals, bantock_day, books

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Comments 17

blktauna August 6 2005, 04:25:13 UTC
Looks to me like Indian Temple art... illustrating a position from the Kama Sutra.


agentxpndble August 6 2005, 05:14:35 UTC
Hmm... I have a copy of the unillustrated Kama Sutra... I wonder if perhaps there's a photo of whatever this is (sculpture, temple art, whatever) in the illustrated version. There would certainly be source info if yes...

paris7am points out a detail I forgot to mention - the people are Shiva and Parvati so I bet you're right!


paris7am August 6 2005, 04:57:34 UTC
Yes, I agree with Blktauna, and going by the text on the drawing, it's probably Shiva and Shakti/Parvati.

I *love* to see you posting Pros! Makes me very very happy :)


agentxpndble August 6 2005, 05:11:21 UTC
Yes, the book is about Shiva and Parvati... After staring at the two pictures together for the past hour I'm thinking that they are both based on a sculpture (as opposed to a picture) - They are clearly the same, but rendered from a slightly different angle... I like Bodie's better - the angle is just a little less contorted and more pleasing to the eye. And the three dimensional nature of it is very sexy. Bantock's might actually be a photo of a sculpture - his art technique teases and tortures images to make them look different (e.g. for this story he needed a sketch in a notebook - not a photo of a sculpture.)

Anyway, it will be interesting to see if someone can turn up a specific reference of a specific art piece in a museum or something these are based on - I'd like to read a bit more about it and see a photo.


Giorgione watteaux August 6 2005, 05:53:17 UTC
I found out about the Giorgione print awhile back for queenbamfieIn 'Need to Know', the pictures on the wall of Bodie's apartment is telling. The armoury and the awful faux warhol chick image shares the apartment with Hindu erotica and an exhibition poster for Giorgione (http://www.abcgallery.com/G/giorgione/giorgione5.html... )


Re: Giorgione agentxpndble August 6 2005, 06:02:40 UTC
See, now I had money on you being the one who would know ALL ABOUT the one I'm asking about... :::sigh:::

I have to wonder how much thought they put into the background stuff in the apartments. The one 'Doyle' obsession for me is that damn banana poster... They used in in a few sets (not just Doyle's apartment) and I get the feeling there's a whole cultural thing behind it (like we have the Farrah in a bathing suit poster in American culture.) Anyway, I find it a total scream - the freudian implications and all. ;-)


Re: Giorgione watteaux August 6 2005, 06:18:31 UTC
See, now I had money on you being the one who would know ALL ABOUT the one I'm asking about... :::sigh:::

ha! sorry :p

I knew it was hindu erotica probably from that famous temple, but don't know much more to find out the detail. It was sad enough the lengths I went to find the Giorgione painting! The piece I don't deal with is the 80s pop art stiletto image :) Yeah I think the Freud would be very pleased with Bodie's decor :p


How about ?? watteaux August 6 2005, 17:20:03 UTC
The Temple of the Sun at Konarak?


enednoviel August 6 2005, 09:16:21 UTC
I'm glad I'm not the only one who paid attention to the art in the lads' flats. But hey, I have studied art, I'm always interested in what people put up their walls. I even tried to see what kind of books they have in their apartments, but failed miserably.

Anyway: I'd agree that Bantock's pic is drawn from a piece of sculpture. And it's definitely Indian in style. I have browsed through my book about Indian art, but it's not in there. But you have made me curious, I'll try and find out more in the university library next week. I'm sure I can find something there.


metabolick August 29 2005, 03:38:47 UTC
I can tell you that the book Ray has on his bedside table as he lies in bed in "When The Heat Cools Off" is "Ten Years After Ivan Denisovich." All I know about it is that it is nonfictional and is the author's tribute to Solzhenitsyn, who wrote One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich. I think it is about the tactics the KGB were using at the time, thus my speculation that it could be research for Ray's job. Either that or Ray has an interesting choice of pleasure reading. Or maybe he picked the most boring thing he could find to help him get to sleep!

I too love to see how the characters' flats are dressed. Thank you, AgentX and watteax, for shedding light on the piece of art in Bodie's flat!


eldritchhobbit August 6 2005, 14:13:23 UTC
This connection is SO amazing. Synchronism indeed. I bow to your Bodieness.


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