Whisper my name to the stars for I am lost in space

Jul 13, 2005 14:04

Time grows short - I don't leave for the big FAMILY THING until tomorrow, but there is so much packing and cleaning to do I'm not giving my flist much attention before I go. Internet connection looks pretty non-existent but I will be so desperate for contact with my own world in the next 5 days that I will probably find a way to post here and ( Read more... )

family, shattered

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Comments 5

eldritchhobbit July 13 2005, 20:44:07 UTC
Ugh! I am SO sorry about all of this. I will be missing you and thinking about you and sending good vibes your way. Feel free either to be quiet or to rant and rave if you need to do so. All's fair, and all that. I'll look forward to great Book Six conversations with you when you're back, fully recovered, and finished with HP&HBP. *hugs*


mysticpenguin July 14 2005, 04:37:00 UTC
Ugh, that sounds like a bad time. Anyone would be mad at that, you don't need to earn it. Hope you get through all right.


To discuss among ourselves while Agent X is gone..... tomsister July 14 2005, 13:20:25 UTC
Agent X, dear -- try to endure this ordeal. It's only for a few days. Our thoughts are with you ( ... )


Re: To discuss among ourselves while Agent X is gone..... fenice_fu July 15 2005, 05:41:49 UTC
My first impulsive thought is that it is at least partially due to the amount of funding and care they put into their stage training. The US doesn't really have anything like the RADA...there are plenty of little "entertainment industry" schools but none that really cater to that (though I guess one could argue for places like Interlochen or Juliard...but there are not enough spaces and they cater to only the very best actors and don't give others or others who are just trying it for the first time at an older age a chance. They're also incredibly expensive and private). I was even thinking of Canada, they have the Stratford Festival which has been home to some of the most amazing performers (Glenn Gould among others) in North America. And think of it...I mean, Alan Rickman was something like 27 when he went into acting. Here in the States it's all beauty and youth and whatever. John was probably into his early twenties (guessing from bios) when he decided to act and he just...started. It's not that easy here. The system here is set ( ... )


Re: To discuss among ourselves while Agent X is gone..... tomsister July 15 2005, 17:31:01 UTC
I think you're right about the funding of arts and theatrical training. Whenever budgets are cut here, the first victims are arts programs. Americans only want insipid eye candy; can't act their way out of a paper bag. But we do have Gene Hackman, Dustin Hoffman, Rod Steiger, Harvey Keitel, Robert Duvall, Tom Hanks. Superb actors all, but hardly in the same hunk category as our favorite Brits. Leonardo DiCaprio will be worth a lifetime achievement award in about 20 years. He has the ability but needs to age a little like good wine. There are celebrities, and there are 'actors.' There is a big diffence ( ... )


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