Whisper my name to the stars for I am lost in space

Jul 13, 2005 14:04

Time grows short - I don't leave for the big FAMILY THING until tomorrow, but there is so much packing and cleaning to do I'm not giving my flist much attention before I go. Internet connection looks pretty non-existent but I will be so desperate for contact with my own world in the next 5 days that I will probably find a way to post here and there out of desperation. I don't know...

Now that we're down to it, I feel mad again. Mad and profoundly depressed that I won't be part of the book experience. I will be able to pick up a copy Saturday but the party is out and the experience of reading it along with everyone and participating 'live' in discussion/web community is pretty much out the window. I'm seriously pissed off with the universe and it will take every ounce of my energy not to just throw myself down on the ground and rage like a 3-year-old ten times a day. I was hoping to 'positive think' myself into a place of acceptance with the whole thing but for the first time in my life, I can't do it.

It's unfair. I hate this. I am angry. I think I've earned the right.

So, don't worry if you don't hear from me until next week. On the other hand, maybe I'll post a thousand times in the next couple of days and drive you all off with pathetic bitching. I apologize in advance, either way.

family, shattered

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