Did I mention my vast teacup collection?

Jan 08, 2007 12:58

There are days when you just *know* you should go out and buy a lottery ticket...! Major, *major* score on eBay!!! I have been searching for 10 fucking years for this teacup:

Read more... )

teacups, research!pr0n

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Comments 15

eldritchhobbit January 8 2007, 19:20:59 UTC
Wow - that's gorgeous!!!


agentxpndble January 8 2007, 19:24:17 UTC
Isn't it? The only complaint I have is that I don't like those handles - Difficult to hold. But it hasn't stopped me from using it reguarly... It's been a favorite for almost 20 years now.

And the mystery of the design is still driving me *crazy* after all that time!


probodie January 8 2007, 19:23:40 UTC
Lovely - is it just any old teacups you collect, or certain brands??? I'll certainly keep an eye out for you.


agentxpndble January 8 2007, 19:29:42 UTC
I actually use them, not collect (for the sake of collecting) - But that hasn't stopped me from accumulating at least 50 (I really should count them some day.)

I'm always on the lookout for lush designs/colors - I just hate a white tea cup. The one above is borderline as far as the white-to-color ratio. But really *I* need to shop for them because it's really a very personal-preference kind of thing. If you ever see one on the interenet, though that you think would appeal, please feel free to forward a link. Oh, I *always* am interested in bees on cups - Not so easy to find (in combination with my hate of white-based designs.)

Another no-no: While I am *deeply* attracted to demi-sized cups (because of the lush designs) I really have no use for them because they are so small.


probodie January 8 2007, 19:32:32 UTC
Fair enough *grins* If I see any, I'll post a link - although as you say, Im sure you'll have already seen it if you browse ebay regularly. Not that I do such a thing for Pros zines. Oh no, never...



rosie55 January 8 2007, 20:28:18 UTC
So nice to hear you actually use your cups, And nothing beats a bone china or porcelain cup for a really good cup of tea ( ... )


agentxpndble January 8 2007, 21:34:11 UTC
...always served tea, when we visited, in exquisite cups and saucers, each set different.

It's the *best* way! And everyone always has such fun picking which one... And my mood is different every day... And the guests always feel special when I let them use the really special ones. :)))

My tea cup acquisitions are *always* personal - I get them if I like them and mostly from thrift stores and antique shops since they are the only places that carry the really interesting ones. I almost went *mad* in England - So many new designs I'd never seen before! In the end, I limited myself to two. ;-)

Now you've made me think I might get mine out and start using them again...Oh, do! Do! And if you don't have a teapot you are happy with, I would recommend the unpretentious, highly functional Brown Betty: http://agentxpndble.livejournal.com/126303.html... )


rosie55 January 8 2007, 22:54:35 UTC
Isn't that interesting - I knew instantly what a Brown Betty was, though I don't remember my family calling them that. I wonder whether it's a term used in the North of England, I come from the North Midland area ( ... )


ithildyn January 8 2007, 20:41:04 UTC
I love tea cups, which my mum has a vast collection of. What I've ended up collecting is egg cups.


agentxpndble January 8 2007, 21:35:58 UTC
I've never met anyone who collected egg cups before... I'm not sure I've ever met anyone who even *used* egg cups... :-)


fenice_fu January 9 2007, 23:35:38 UTC
If you Google Adderley china you might come up with something. I tried it and looked at Replacements, Ltd. but didn't see it...I did see some I liked however, lol.....

I have some old teacups that were handed down from my grandmother. Some were made in occupied Japan (there are more of those out there than one might think) but they are all too small for me and, worse, they lose the heat very quickly. So I tend not to use them. Instead I have this really nifty, LARGE John Castle mug....:D


agentxpndble January 10 2007, 14:49:46 UTC
I spent a couple of hours searching and reading at Replacements, Ltd. and didn't find anything (except, as you say, a dozen more I want.) The one thing I'm surprised I can't find is a basic history of Adderley - I'd like to at least know when they became "Royal" Adderley and pin down a decade. No luck searching Google, which is surprising. I need to go to the Library and read through some collecting price guides, I guess.

There have been a few Japanese tea cups on eBay I had to *really* talk myself out of... Demi sized. They had the most incredible "watermarks" *in* the porcelain at the bottom of the cups (hold up to the light.) OMG are they awesome! Just way too small.

Instead I have this really nifty, LARGE John Castle mug....:D



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