Did I mention my vast teacup collection?

Jan 08, 2007 12:58

There are days when you just *know* you should go out and buy a lottery ticket...! Major, *major* score on eBay!!! I have been searching for 10 fucking years for this teacup:

My memory is that my cup at home has a gold splotch, not green but I'll have to check.

Asking me to pick a favorite teacup from my collection is like asking me to pick one of my children to feed to the sharks - But this one comes pretty damn close to being the Grand Poohbah of the china cabinet. I have one and fear that someday it will break (since I use it all the time) and have been monitoring eBay for almost a decade now for a second. And I want more, so please give me a head's up if you *EVER* see one for sale! Dare I dream for a teapot/completer set someday?

And the quest isn't over just yet... I still want to know the pattern name and it's history... You will notice that it's extremely pagan looking - Naked dancing people under the lanterns, spiders webs, etc... The best I can come up with (in my own mind) is that it's a "Midsummer Night Dream" Shakespeare theme or something. Anyone have a good identification resource?

teacups, research!pr0n

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