For the purposes of distracting me in my impending labour, I'm trying to compile a list of funny stories / situations that have caused me to be in a fit of laughter.
Do you remember a time when you "broke" me? Or things that make me smile?
I.e. the 2 furbies! I believe in Yuen! Meow meow Squish! Agent Hair! Gasp gasp tea!
Every winter, Kali always seems to have this patch on her back and it looks like she's been overgrooming it. We thought maybe its fleas or she's just stressed about it being cold
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Today, I went for my swine flu jab. Took me an hour to get to GP office (15 mins walk back into town, wait for bus, got on bus, 30 mins journey, 15 mins walk the other end). Took less than 5 mins to get jabbed
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I would totally respect the MSc students a lot more if they just came in to say "I didn't do the six month project because I couldn't be bothered". At least it is honest rather than making something up!