Title: "Corrupt"
In Eric and Sookie's love/hate relationship, who exactly is corrupting who?
Song: "Corrupt" by Depeche Mode
Spoilers: Contains footage from seasons 1 and 2, including the s2 finale.
Length/Size: 2:50 (16 MB WMV)
MEDIAFIREFor the graciously hosted permalink
click here! ♥!
V/N: As
sabaceanbabe and I have talked about, Depeche Mode just seems made for this show! (Be sure to check out her gorgeous True Blood vid
"Wrong," it's awesome! ;) )
I've fallen in love with Alexander Skarsgård's amazing portrayal of Eric and when I heard this song, it seemed so perfect for Eric and Sookie's twisted relationship that I just had to vid it. ;) If you watch, I hope you enjoy! ♥!
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