Fic: "Sparks" (1/1) (Ten/Donna, Doctor Who)

Sep 12, 2009 23:21

Title: "Sparks" (1/1)
Author: ageless_aislynn
Fandom/characters: Doctor Who, the Tenth Doctor/Donna, Jack
Summary: The Doctor does a bit of eavesdropping. Written for hibernate as a thank you for her bid on me during the Support Stacie auction. Ahem, yes, the April one. Sorry for taking so long! The prompt was Ten and Donna, double entendres (bonus points for including Jack somehow, in person or just referenced).
Rating: PG-13 (for innuendo)
Length: 678
Spoilers: None. This exists in a happy place where neither the last few minutes of "Journey's End" nor any of Torchwood "Children of Earth" ever occurred. ;)
Disclaimer: Not mine or you can bet there would've been happy endings for everybody!
A/N: I've been on a 3 month streak of writer's block, yikes! So this is my "easing my way back into writing with a bit of silly Ten/Donna shenanigans" ficlet. ;) Unbeta'ed, all mistakes are mine. ;)

Flat on his back, tucked in under the TARDIS console grating, the Doctor stuck his sonic screwdriver between his teeth and started sorting through a gaggle of loose wires. Above him, Donna entered, chatting away on her mobile. He noted her presence absently, his mind already deep into the planned reconfiguration of the delicate trans-interdimensional stabilizers, until her throaty laughter caught his attention.

"So exactly how big are we talking about?" she said and her voice had an unexpected husky edge that made him juggle the wires for a few frantic seconds, narrowly avoiding disaster. He lost hold of the screwdriver and it thudded to the deck beside him with a distinctive clink. He went still, waiting to be found out.

"Oh now, you're having me on," Donna said, apparently oblivious to the Time Lord under her feet as she strolled to the opposite side of the console. "It couldn't possibly be that- Well, you know what they say, a picture's worth a thousand words, Captain. Let's see it."

Jack? he mouthed silently.

And indeed, the far away, tinny buzz of Jack Harkness's voice floated down to him, his flirty tone unmistakable even though he couldn't distinguish the individual words.

"Oh, come on now, all talk and no action?" Donna said, equally flirtatious. "Snap a quick one and send it to me, I dare you. Oh, most certainly I did just dare you!"

She gave that husky laugh again and the Doctor twitched, barely avoiding yet another catastrophic clash of wires. His tie felt abnormally tight but he couldn't spare a hand to loosen it, not without the rather noisy process of returning the wires to their separate compartments.

"I bet it's big and strong and manly, isn't it?" she continued. "Can it go all night? I'm a girl who appreciates stamina, you know."

Her voice curled around him in a sultry purr and abruptly his tie was no longer the only article of clothing that felt too tight. Now, enough of that, he thought sternly, redirecting his focus to the live wires clutched perilously close together in his hands right above him. You're hardly some hormonal teenager, now, are you?

"Oh, I like it rough, don't you worry," Donna swore passionately. "Mmm, all that thrusting and thrashing until you don't even know if you can take anymore? Oh God, it's so good!"

All in all, the Doctor later reflected, the explosion wasn't nearly as major as it could've been.

"Gotta go, Jack. He just blew himself up," she said. "Absolutely, it's a date. Can't wait to go 'off-roading' in that new vehicle of yours and you can put it through its paces for me. No, he didn't regenerate, he's fine."

He released the burned wires then wiggled out from under the console as she disconnected from her call and came around to peer at him through the opening in the grating.

"You're a bit on fire," she pointed out helpfully and he quickly smacked at the sparks sending up wisps of smoke from the charred places on his shirt.

"So," he said casually as he looked up at her, running his hands through his hair to check for anything else that might be smoldering. "Knew I was here all the time, hm?"

"Well, you're not exactly invisible down there, sunshine," she said with a grin. "I was pretty sure those skinny legs belonged to somebody! Plus where else would you be with your jacket right here in the floor? Thought if you were going to eavesdrop, I might as well give you a few juicy double entendres to chew on!"

"Double entendres? That was more like out and out innuendo! No, no, that," he corrected, pointing at her, "that was perilously close to phone sex, Donna Noble!"

"I wasn't having phone sex with Captain Jack," she tsked.

He opened his mouth to say, Well, I should say not! but before he could speak, she reached a hand down to help him up.

"Not this time, anyway," she said with a wink and he uttered a slight, wordless squeak as she sauntered away.

fic: rated pg-13, fic: doctor who

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