Twilight (Movie Spoilers)

Nov 18, 2008 21:44

This is my movie review of Twilight. I will not give away anything major, I will mostly just be comparing the book and movie - characters and parts they left out - and my likes/dislikes, what I thought of it.

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Comments 14

brockstreet November 19 2008, 05:48:28 UTC
LOL Bella sniffing herself was definitely funny! I forgot to mention that in my review.

Same with the thing about Jasper always being in pain, he really did look like he was lmao.


agathons_fan November 19 2008, 06:25:51 UTC
I just keep picturing both their faces in those two scenes, especially Jasper in the cafeteria. Its priceless.


tata_twi November 19 2008, 05:59:20 UTC
You mention Jacob character first? not Edward or Rob?
it seem Jacob impressed you than Edward.


agathons_fan November 19 2008, 06:04:29 UTC
Jacob definately did leave a strong impression, its true. Lol. I know he will leave a stronger one in the next movie since he is going to be in it more. But it also had a lot to do with my sisters reaction.

Edward was still amazing in the movie. To be honest, no as great as in the book. At least in my opinon. But i still love Edward too. Im Switzerland.


tata_twi November 19 2008, 06:09:23 UTC
u know, Twilight need to gross 150$ to film NM. Do you think it can reach that number? i'm gonna miss Edward in NM, but better than nothing.
what do you think about Edward and Bella love in the movie? although I know the movie can't be romantic/good as the book but do you feel love between them?


agathons_fan November 19 2008, 06:24:01 UTC
There is no way that NM is not going to come out. I just heard that Twilight has already sold out 500 shows with online ticket sales. Thats just online. We are so going to get NM. I will miss Edward greatly.

I did, but only a little. I think that it could have been portrayed stronger. It was good at certain parts you could see the romance and chemistry that we had in the book, but only at certain points, like when bella left to go with jasper and alice. But it lacked a lot of the scenes that made the bond between them unbreakable. Like, in my opinion,if the "Not Her" speech would have been included along with a few others, then I would tell you the love between them was as good as the book, but since those scenes were left out. i cant.

i hope that answers your question. i had a rought time phrasing that.


tata_twi November 19 2008, 07:11:46 UTC
Thank you so much.
500 pages in 2 hours movie is impossible but as much as i love the book and Rob, I never stop expecting.
i don't know why but reading your review, i'm worring a bit.
what do you think about Rob's peformance?


agathons_fan November 20 2008, 00:25:49 UTC
You shouldnt be worried. The movie is still awesome. Im just extremely prejudice cause I love the book so much :P

Honestly, I think he did a good job, but it could have been better. Some scenes seemed like he felt really awkward when, he was actually supposed to be comfortable. I really dont know how else to describe it. But sometimes it seemed like he was forcing the words out of his mouth when he shouldnt have. But other than that, he did a great job. His facial expressions were perfect, and hilarious. He got the tone right with all of our favorite quotes. and he was great.

Lol, Im not the best at this kind of thing. Clearly from the lack of comments posted. Sorry. Hope I answered you questions whoever you are, cause you arent logged in.Lol!!


woodycakes November 19 2008, 06:17:03 UTC
wow so lucky!!!! you got to watch.
well i'm realy excited for itm though i can't watch till like 7 days from now.
but thanks for this, i can breathe easier now


agathons_fan November 19 2008, 06:24:56 UTC
Thanks :D I was super excited to watch. I cant wait to see it again.

Cant wait to hear what everyone else thinks after they watch it though


ashchronicles November 19 2008, 06:34:53 UTC
gossh..reading ur review just made me really realy really wanna go and watch the movie right this instance!
what??lol..i dont like the idea of how short a span of time did it take her to discover that edward's a there's no the whole cullen's family dissapearing for a week? aww...>_< the intense emotion when she's waiting to see him in the caferia..T^T
lol at all the supposed to be pretty n dazzling but turns out to be freaky..haha..i can imagine dat..XXD i actually thought that edward looks kinda scary in a couple of scenes in the trailer..!
thanks for the review though..i always have goosebumps watching the fighting scene in the trailer..cant wait to see edward kicks james sorry butt! ^^


agathons_fan November 20 2008, 00:38:17 UTC
Lol. After writing my post, I wanted to go re-watch it. :P So I guess thats a good thing, right?

so there's no the whole cullen's family dissapearing for a week? aww...
No. There was like one day when the cullen family didnt show up because the weather was nice. And then when edward disappered for literally only two days after he first smelled her :P

aww...>_< the intense emotion when she's waiting to see him in the caferia..T^T
No. She is narrating the story. Parts of it anyway. And after he first, she notes that she decides to confront him about his rude behavior but he doesnt she up to bio class. and then the next day is the same. but no longing for him in the cafeteria and no real emotions of sadness that he is gone.

Lol. It looked weird to me anyway. Other people say they liked the sparkles. And yes, on his chest they looked pretty, but on his face they just looked.........weird in a non cool way.

Yea, both Edward and Alice are awesome in the fight scene.


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