Multifandom Big Bang for tvrealm

Oct 20, 2011 19:39

1 - Sharon/Helo fanvid = 50 points
16 - .gifs from Merlin and Battlestar Galactica = 32 points
1 - Robin Hood wallpaper = 2 points
10 - icons (including alts.) from BSG, Robin Hood, and Merlin (mostly couples) = 20 points

total = 104 points


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tv gifs, livejournal, tv:merlin, tv icons, misc:tv, tv:battlestar galactica

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Comments 4

jen2976 October 21 2011, 12:49:35 UTC
Lovely job! :D Snagging the Robin/Hero and the Arthur/Gwen icons, will credit when used. Thanks! :D


agathons_fan October 21 2011, 22:58:15 UTC
Thank you! Im so glad you like!! :D


dance_the_dance October 21 2011, 22:49:35 UTC
Well, I'm not new to making gifs and I still can't make them any better than yours, hee, so IMO you're doing awesome. :D

(JSYK, tinypic deleted something, I'm not sure what it was, but there's a broken image under the Rihanna prompt - letting you know just in case your browser cache still sees the actual image. :) Also "Helo wants Sharon" is a broken link because it has too many https. ;))


agathons_fan October 21 2011, 22:55:20 UTC
Lol. Thanks :)

thanks. the images has been acting up so much. stupid html! Should be fixed now.


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