Multifandom Big Bang for tvrealm

Oct 20, 2011 19:39

1 - Sharon/Helo fanvid = 50 points
16 - .gifs from Merlin and Battlestar Galactica = 32 points
1 - Robin Hood wallpaper = 2 points
10 - icons (including alts.) from BSG, Robin Hood, and Merlin (mostly couples) = 20 points

total = 104 points


Prompt: Heroic
Fandoms (in order of appearance): Robin Hood, BSG, Merlin

(wall - click for bigger)

Helo is a Hero ---->
Helo is a Hero2 ---->
Helo Hero ---->
Arthur Hero ---->
Arthur Hero2 ---->

Prompt: Innocent:
Fandoms: Merlin
Arthur and Gwen flirt innocently ---->

Prompt: Amusing
Fandoms (in order of appearance): BSG, Merlin
Helo is amused ---->
Uther is amused ---->
Sharon is amused ---->

Prompt: Sprint
Fandoms: BSG
Run Helo Run ---->

Prompt: Fame/ Run this Town by Jay-Z feat. Rihanna
Fandoms: Merlin

Once and Future King and Queen ---->

Prompt(s): Destitution/Isolate
Fandom: Merlin
Gwen alone ---->

Prompt: Vanity
Fandom: Merlin
Arthur is pretty! ---->

Prompt: "You are going to have everything that you are dreaming of."
Fandom: BSG
Helo wants Sharon ---->

Prompt: "These are a few of my favorite things."
Fandoms: BSG, Merlin
New Favorite Thing (Sharon/Helo) Fanvid
Sharon & Helo Kiss ----->
Gwen & Arthur Kiss ----->

Prompt: Texture Set #28
Fandoms: Merlin, BSG, Robin Hood

So Im really new on making .gifs so let me know what you think. :)
Comments on all the things would be greatly LOVED ♥
Credit if you snag.

tv gifs, livejournal, tv:merlin, tv icons, misc:tv, tv:battlestar galactica

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