Threadlist & Question in one. (24 hours of Prompting left / 48 hours of writing)

Sep 21, 2012 00:09

Thread list! (Click a thread to read/prompt an Author)

rubberglue - (8) Eight Fills.

hope27 - (4) Four Fills.

mara93 - (3) Three Fills.

sidhe_faerie - (9) Nine Fills.

ella_rose88 - (3) Three Fills.

rainbow_connec - (4) Four Fills.

wickedvampirate - (7) Seven Fills. mustbethursday3 - (7) Seven Fills.

a_g_doren - (6) Six Fills.

railise - (2) Two Fills.

Read more... )

=200+, !mod post, +mod: mustbethursday3

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Comments 22

sidhe_faerie September 20 2012, 14:22:10 UTC
let me get this straight in my head

if i have 4 dills done then at the end of prompting i can copy and paste someone else's prompt into a comment on my thread and fill it but it has to be filled by the end of the writing period or its a hit against my total?

I like it but.... I worry about not getting things done in time and it not counting against me.


mustbethursday3 September 20 2012, 14:38:36 UTC
If we do this:

You must have at least 4 fills complete before you can copy and paste someone else's prompt into your own thread. You have 9 (last I checked) so you're good.

In the 12 extra hours, you'd be able to copy and paste all your fav prompts - that you saw, and you wanted, but couldn't have - and put them on your thread.

(This is where it gets annoyingly math-y)

Say, You still have 9 Fills in 48 hours, and you choose to use 6 prompts (from the post) and mock!prompt yourself.

But you only manage to fill 4, in the 12 hours provided.

Your Tally will be: (9 + 4) - 2 (unfilled mock!prompts) = 11.

So, it would be best to take them one at a time. Or even write the Fill, then copy and paste the corresponding prompt over to your thread. Then reply to it with the Fill ( ... )


sidhe_faerie September 20 2012, 15:17:11 UTC
One at a time is always a good idea for adding them to the thread. i'd probably write it first too.

"Math-y" i get it. So I just need to be careful how many I pinch.

I have a feeling I may run out again. I should be working (writing study guides/textbooks )and not doing this but I cant resist.. .


mustbethursday3 September 21 2012, 13:33:33 UTC
27 Minutes of prompting left.

Use it wisely.

Or sleep/work - I have no idea what the time difference is for you XD


rainbow_connec September 20 2012, 17:04:17 UTC
I can't believe I'm still in this. I have 5 now!! YAY!


sidhe_faerie September 20 2012, 20:52:52 UTC
Finishing those first 4 is stressful but the rest are fun!


mustbethursday3 September 21 2012, 08:06:58 UTC
I can't believe you're doubting it...tho you did get off to a slow start there XD

I was worried.

I almost PM'd you. I'm so used to you being all over the place and writing things like a thing possessed.


mustbethursday3 September 21 2012, 13:30:45 UTC
Did you ever get around to prompting everyone like I think you said you would?

Coz there's 30 mins of prompting time left.

Then we enter 24 hours of Fills Only.

Followed by, 12 hours of Fills and Mock!prompting.


railise September 20 2012, 23:08:08 UTC
I'd be psyched to have more time, especially encompassing a weekend day (full-time job in addition to regular mom/daily stuff during a fic challenge is a new experience), but idk about choosing more prompts, since I haven't had time to do anything beyond reading the ones I've received! :P


mustbethursday3 September 21 2012, 07:51:38 UTC
Since we got the 6 (actually 7) votes in favor of allowing mock!prompt and extending the challenge, that I was looking for - it looks like we're doing it ( ... )


ella_rose88 September 21 2012, 01:05:37 UTC
So do these mock prompts from other authors have to be unfilled or can they already have been filled?

I didn't vote because I'm still struggling with doing the prompts I do have. I'm struggling with my fourth prompt right as I speak.


mustbethursday3 September 21 2012, 07:53:54 UTC
See above, on the post:

If it took place, it would be after the End of Prompting, so you could borrow existing prompts only. Both Filled or Unfilled. REMEMBER: Once prompting ends - we will be accepting NO new prompts.


Well keep at it, once you've done that you can pick and choose from your awaiting prompts.


mara93 September 21 2012, 02:32:45 UTC
Agree with railise that it would be nice to have a weekend day so yeah I think I'm for it.


mustbethursday3 September 21 2012, 07:55:25 UTC
Thank you for voting, looks like it's happening.

I'm going to have to get busy with some rules and graphics so everyone know's what's going on in 30 hours.



mustbethursday3 September 21 2012, 13:31:20 UTC
Oh and 29 minutes of Prompting left.

If there's anything you wanted to prompt...


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