I know nothing of One Direction, except that I do know who on my friendslist has been sucked into that particular fandom, and they made a community: 3point5seats. So far it looks like there is just a (comprehensive) timeline there, but I'm sure there will be more, soon. Also, I suspect the members of that community have a lot of stuff on their own LJs.
Nearly everything I access is filtered through harriet_vane because if I actively go out and seek these things out, it will end badly. So since her primer in particular was already recced above, my job here is done. So excited you are climbing on board this thing, or at least taking a brief tour of action.
There is fic! AO3 seems to get a good steady supply. Happily, it seems there's plenty of group fluff for the taking, although there's enough pairing stuff to satisfy too. (Me, I'm a little partial to Zayn/Liam, I don't know.)
Ugh, I tried to reply to this and then my ADD kicked in and I tried to leave the page before it finished posting it. So if it turns up twice, sorry.
Anyway, fic, yes! I find myself staring at their gif-ified faces more than reading about them, but there seems to be a good bit on AO3. Quite a bit of group fluff, which is nice, but there are plenty of pairings to be found, too. (Me, I find I'm a little more partial to Zayn/Liam, which I don't know.)
Comments 10
Also, _lolapalooza has a 1D Tumblr here.
(also, is there fic?)
Anyway, fic, yes! I find myself staring at their gif-ified faces more than reading about them, but there seems to be a good bit on AO3. Quite a bit of group fluff, which is nice, but there are plenty of pairings to be found, too. (Me, I find I'm a little more partial to Zayn/Liam, which I don't know.)
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