Okay, a couple of the comments in my post yesterday got me thinking about how tastily, deliciously noir Castiel's aura happens to be, so I opened up Photoshop again and pulled out the spnmedia images (so large, so hi-res, so nommable) I'd downloaded and put together my first actual picspam/ficturespam in, like, forever. (For the uninitiated: a ficturespam is part fic snippet or concept, part picspam.) And for those who missed the spnmedia post, here are
some of the untouched screenshots, zipped up for portability. It's not all of them, but I'm sure someone somewhere has them all. The picspam is just the shots I downloaded from that particular post, so it's mostly Dean, Castiel, and Alastair; it's also a bit of musing on the noir!AU that is in my head, but because I'm lame, may never actually be written.
C. Novak, P.I., late of the LAPD, Homicide Unit. Discharged for disobeying orders while in the performance of his duties. The masochist streak in him imagines he'll be accepted back onto the force some day.
Dean Winchester. According to official records, kicked out of the force four years ago. Unofficially, he does... work for the chief of police and the commissioner. What that work is, you don't want to know.
One day, Dean's brother Sam (up-and-coming, idealistic lawyer) vanishes. Sam's on Dean's look-out, but with Zachariah and the higher-ups keeping him on a tight leash, Dean can't tear the city apart looking for him. So he goes to one guy he thinks, maybe, can help... if Dean can convince him to go against the best interest of the LAPD.
Meetings in dingy motel rooms ensue. Dean can't quite believe this is the guy who got kicked out for stepping over the line. (He also can't believe this guy's a fucking detective, he looks like he works for the fucking IRS.)
Then he gets a look at Castiel's record, and okay, goddamn stupid of him to dismiss the guy like that. He and his partner Anna Milton (until she left the force) racked up a 95% conviction rate on cases they worked, but past that, there's a whole lot of don't fuck with me going on under that trench coat.
Cas tracks down Alastair, a security specialist--aka hitman--who works for Lightbringer Industries, a corporate powerhouse with a lot of influence in the city. There's some shadiness (Dean's word, once he finds out) going on with some of Lightbringer's higher-ups and the city government.
Dean's 99.999% percent sure Alastair's behind Sam's disappearance... and might have something to do with more tangled Winchester family history.
But does he? Dean keeps working, and Castiel has to admit, he's good at his work.
Things go wrong. Way, up-shit-creek, FUBAR-type wrong.
And will Dean and Castiel ever find out for sure?