Title: Out of the Darkness
Author: A Lanart
Genre: Crossover - Torchwood and goodness knows what else. In the same Universe as
Behind the Curtain.
Characters/Pairings Jack/Ianto, Tosh, Owen, Darius, Tara, Kai, Zhaan
Rating: PG
Spoilers: Torchwood up to and including CoE
Warnings: It's a bit cracky and it's a bit schmoopy but it's also a teeny bit
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Comments 16
I really do seem to be making a habit of making you cry but I'm not sure if I should apologise or not!
Oh Jack will find his way back, and everyone will tease Ianto about it incessantly I'm sure.
In a totally good way! This was sweet and funny and heart achingly sad all at once hon, bravissima.
*psst* one little thing - Central Gall? ;-)
Oh and Darius and Ianto FTW. Trufax.
ETA: Went by the shrine. Still there. There was an article in the local paper about it, will scan it in soon as I get chance and post it :)
Glad you like the fic, it seemed to be the right time to revisit this place. And as for Darius and Ianto, I have a nasty feeling they're going to start playing chess...
So glad to know the shrine is still there, I wonder if my little 'I' of black roses has died yet or not.
Went back and re-read the whole series and I must say, I love it. Great to see Tosh & Owen together as friends and maybe a bit more.
Still kind of curious as to the identity of Harry. There are a few I could think of and I'm not sure which you meant. Then again, it could be all/any of them.
I must have completely missed that episode. Which season was it?
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