Questions are
4 - Do you have a "muse" character, that speaks to you more than others, or that tries to push their way in, even when the fic isn't about them? Who are they, and why did that character became your muse?
Ramblings about muses behind the cut!
I suppose my first fanfic muse would be my OFC Siannon O'Niall - she was the one who was predominantly my focus in my Voyager fic and she is often still my muse now, even if she isn't present. She doesn't do anything as unsubtle as elbowing her way into a fic when she's not supposed to be there (I leave that to Methos muse) but she does supply 'helpful' suggestions every now and then when a fic takes place in her verse, and sometimes when it doesn't. She's the character I know best and is almost more like a good friend than a demanding muse. As for why she became like that... *shrugs* she just decided to introduce herself one day and the rest, as they say, is history.
If I ever write Voyager fic now if my muse isn't Siannon, it is usually Harry Kim. It was Harry muse that gleefully informed me that if Tom Paris wasn't interested in him any more, Tuvok most certainly was and that he was more than happy with that (even if there have only been 2 fics). Harry kind of became my muse because I wanted to give him a bit more depth than what was seen on screen.
Methos as a muse is at least usually consistent no matter in which verse he appears but as a muse he's very pushy and will stick his wonderfully patrician nose in verses where it isn't supposed to be! As for how he became a muse, well I actually think that's Jack Harkness' fault - I didn't have a Methos muse before Torchwood aired and once I saw the first series Methos muscled in and announced that Jack Harkness would do very nicely, now would I hurry up and write them. Methos is a bloody demanding muse - Jack wasn't enough, he decided he wanted Ianto too. I don't argue with Methos muse, I lose if I try...
My Ianto muses aren't pushy, they're sneaky and insidious and I think they sit and discuss how they're going to gang up on me next. I have about 4 distinct Ianto muses in my head so it can get kind of confusing at times when one of them wants to stick his oar into a verse in which he does not belong. Methos muse usually keeps Ianto muse in check while Jack muse watches with amusement from the peanut gallery and occasionally joins in. Funnily enough, Ianto muse *never* argues when Jack and Methos muse gang up on him...
There is no why to Ianto muse, he just sneaked up when I wasn't looking one day and politely announced his presence - and solved a dilemma of how to write a fic in the process, which is very Ianto.
Dresden muses are much more simple - it's Harry I hear more often than not but Bob is never *completely* silent, he wouldn't be Bob if he was! Harry is the main muse because he kind of talks to himself in my head - which sounds weird but that's the best way I can describe it.
The sad thing for me is that I don't have muses for the Firely verse, or really for Doctor Who either. I have some ideas for Eighth Doctor fic, but he doesn't have a voice in my head so I can't write him. :( Same goes for the Darkover/Doctor Who crossover I would love to write (Donna and Ten) - no muses = no fic. Mind you, I have little enough time to manage to write for the muses I do have so maybe that's not an entirely bad thing!
OK, that was the TLDR version. In Summary, my current and most vocal muses are...
Siannon O'Niall,
Ianto Jones,
Harry Dresden.
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