5 - If you have ever had a character try to push their way into a fic, whether your "muse" or not, what did you do about it?
Questions are
here and answers are behind the cut.
If? IF?!!! They do it all the bloody time - especially that Methos one. As to what I do about it, well, it's usually safer just to let them get on with it. The only time I have successfully managed to put my foot down about letting muses in is in my DF/HL verse... Ianto thought Bob sounded interesting. I told him he could have a different verse but he wasn't allowed in that particular one - I need to keep Ianto away from Methos in that DF verse for the sake of my sanity!
The one that freaks me out somewhat is Duncan McLeod trying to elbow his way into the DF/HL verse as I don't really have a voice for him... yet. He's very insistent and does have a point - a very sharp and shiny one - so don't be surprised if he eventually shows up.
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