6 - When you write, do you prefer writing male or female characters?
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here. The answer is behind the cut
The short answer is both... but it depends on the fic and the 'verse.
Siannon O'Niall was the first character I wrote in fanfic and she's still one of my principle characters to write. I also have a bunch of female OCs in my Torchwood 4 series (as well as a certain Dorothée Gale McShane) so I'm fine writing women if the women want to be written in the first place. That takes care of Torchwood and Highlander, two of my main fandoms, but for Dresden Files I don't have a female character that really speaks to me, not even Murphy (though some of that might be the muddle in my head between bookverse Murphy and TV Murphy) so in that verse at least I much prefer writing for male characters.
One female character I'd love to get to know better is Abby from NCIS but I don't really watch the series enough to have a strong voice for her... yet.
Also, my current main WIP is a Big Bang fic that focuses on various female characters (Siannon O'Niall being one of them) so I think it can be safely said that I'm all for equal opportunities when it comes to the gender of the characters I write. Mind you, although I don't do genderfuck stories, I have a yearning to see Methos in a corset and a pretty frock. And eyeliner. I'm sure I'll get round to it sometime - I managed it with Harry Kim after all and he's a lot more strait-laced than Methos. *ahem*
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