Damned LiveJournal Gods and their Autocratic Attitudes

Oct 12, 2021 17:57

Well, I've been "upgraded" to the newer user interface - AGAIN - against my will. And there seems to be no discernable way to go back to the "classic" interface. I've written them a terse note, letting them know exactly how LITTLE I think of this version and asking them to please STOP shifting me to it without asking. I do truly hate this, and I ( Read more... )

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Comments 2

elfscribe5 October 13 2021, 05:21:34 UTC
Heh, as you know from my post, I'm sooo with you on this. Hate the new mode. Why, LJ, why?


engarian October 13 2021, 12:59:02 UTC
I've gotten pretty used to just rolling with the punches. Moving along with new programming is sometimes necessary, and it keeps me young anyway. My friends are here and on DW, and I have no intention of not keeping up with them. So ... I do whatever is necessary to be able to post daily. Talk with you later today, try to relax a bit - LOL.

- Erulisse (one L)


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