Damned LiveJournal Gods and their Autocratic Attitudes

Oct 12, 2021 17:57

Well, I've been "upgraded" to the newer user interface - AGAIN - against my will. And there seems to be no discernable way to go back to the "classic" interface. I've written them a terse note, letting them know exactly how LITTLE I think of this version and asking them to please STOP shifting me to it without asking. I do truly hate this, and I hate this version a little more every time they do this. This is the third time - and if they think forcing me to look at this empty white page is gonna make me like it enough to use it all the time, they have another think coming.

Damn them anyway. I truly love the Russian people, but I truly *despise* authoritarian "we know what's good for you, and you're gonna do it whether you like it or not" tactics.

If you wanna know why I don't post much, consider: (1) AO3 is, to me, virtually unusable due to the complexity of the user interface; and (2) now LJ is just as bad.

I read - altho the white page hurts my eyes - but I'm not gonna be posting often anymore.

Then again, I'm tiring of social media as a whole anyway - the echo chamber isn't a good thing IMHO.

Anyway - that's my rant for the day.
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