Fish tanks and Abandoned Fics

Oct 29, 2016 17:15

Well, that's that done for the next year or so...

Miscellaneous family nattering under the cut for the unenthused. )

miscellaneous, fanfiction, family

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Comments 5

silver_trails October 30 2016, 00:29:28 UTC
If I stopped a story, or erased it - which I do often - I wouldn't want anyone to finish it. I suppose I could not stop anyone from writing an ending to a story I left unfinished and erased, but I would be annoyed if someone told me her plans to play in my sandbox. But that's me. I don't like my stories to be linked without my permission or translated.

I know that's a lot, given the fact that we all use other people's universes to write in them, but the stories are mine - as much as fanfiction allow them to be mine.

I would never promise to finish something if I'm not planning to do it, though. I'd erase the whole story if I was the author.


samtyr October 30 2016, 02:53:11 UTC
First, I'd make a copy of it (the fic in question) just for my own pleasure. I'd do this for the simple reason I have found so many good fics, only to have them disappear for whatever reason.

Second, I would then write and ask permission from the authors. You might get lucky and they will say yes. :)

Third, I would go ahead and write it but never post anywhere. (I have found that thwarting a muse is never a good idea, tbh.)


lindahoyland October 30 2016, 04:59:03 UTC
There's no reason you shouldn't write your own ending to the story. It wouldn't worry me if it were my story. After all, we are all writing our own variations of different stories. Once a story is out there it is open to interpretation and has been seen cavemen told stories round the fire.


engarian October 30 2016, 21:21:54 UTC
Write your own ending, but keep it private. They don't need to know or give permission as long as it never passes past your computer screen.

*hugs* to you for the effort involved in cleaning the fish tank. I know it's a big job, but the fish will appreciate it.

Maybe JJ might be able to pull off reading if he wants it enough. Sometimes that's what it takes. You never know what crazy things can happen in the human brain over time.

- Erulisse (one L)


marta_bee November 14 2016, 03:57:41 UTC
I don't write WIPs, so it's very possible I just don't Get It, but I think if they've left it up at various archives, they're not exactly trying to take it out of the public eye. What that tells me is it's as okay as it ever was to complete it, and I'm a firm believer that once something is put out in public like that, it's okay to build on it for our private enjoyments to consume .... creatively, as it were. Not necessarily okay to put it out there where the original creator will see it or try to get some kind of profit, financial or social, but if you really don't want to publish it for other folks, that's not an issue ( ... )


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