Fish tanks and Abandoned Fics

Oct 29, 2016 17:15

Well, that's that done for the next year or so...

Miscellaneous family nattering under the cut for the unenthused. )

miscellaneous, fanfiction, family

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marta_bee November 14 2016, 03:57:41 UTC
I don't write WIPs, so it's very possible I just don't Get It, but I think if they've left it up at various archives, they're not exactly trying to take it out of the public eye. What that tells me is it's as okay as it ever was to complete it, and I'm a firm believer that once something is put out in public like that, it's okay to build on it for our private enjoyments to consume .... creatively, as it were. Not necessarily okay to put it out there where the original creator will see it or try to get some kind of profit, financial or social, but if you really don't want to publish it for other folks, that's not an issue.

I'd question, though, whether it's all that wise to contact the author. For one, it forces them to confront the knowledge someone's tinkering with their fic, and I'm not sure that's really necessary. You also seem frustrated and I'd worry that could bleed through. I guess I don't see the need for it, and I think the risks of going that route are substantial.

(Also, I have an inkling what story this is and with the authors I'm thinking of, I don't see this ending well. But even generally, I think it's risky and unnecessary at best...)


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