Once more into NaNo I go...

Nov 01, 2014 22:32

Yeah, I'm off to a slow start. Seems that Life™ is fuller this year than last, with more that I need to do between which to sandwich my hours at the keyboard. Still, it is a start - and this time around, I've done research so I know (1) where my story is going; and (2) more or less how I want to get there. No, I haven't got an outline, but I'm ( Read more... )

yickety-yack, miscellaneous, nanowrimo, \

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Comments 1

elfscribe5 November 2 2014, 17:16:45 UTC
Glad to hear about the rain. We've been pretty parched here too, although not nearly that bad. Good luck on NaNo. I'm trying a mini-version of it again. If I produce 25K this month, I'll be happy.


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