Once more into NaNo I go...

Nov 01, 2014 22:32

Yeah, I'm off to a slow start. Seems that Life™ is fuller this year than last, with more that I need to do between which to sandwich my hours at the keyboard. Still, it is a start - and this time around, I've done research so I know (1) where my story is going; and (2) more or less how I want to get there. No, I haven't got an outline, but I'm doing the first "part" of my novel for this year's NaNo. The novel itself will have two parts, taking place roughly 1000 years apart.

It's fun tho, and the research has been quite a treat. I've looked into what makes a planet habitable, what is known currently about extra-solar planetary systems, done quite a lot of postulating on how my green-skied world would work and how it would differ from the world we all know. I've looked into various forms of housing, heating said domiciles, ethics of space colonization, the problems encountered by other colonial efforts in the past.

On another note entirely, IT RAINED IN CALIFORNIA LAST NIGHT!!!! Or, more precisely, it rained in my little parched corner of California last night. In fact, considering that we only got four inches total rainfall last year, we got fully one half of last year's precipitation last night. Lost power too - o joy and rapture! Better still, it took until mid-morning for the cable and internet to be fully restored. Now THAT'S what I call "winter" weather!!

Believe it or not, I'd be perfectly happy for it to happen again this winter. Often. Our local reservoir lake is down to 40% capacity, and several natural lakes in the area are completely dried up (and are being dredged because of it - taking advantage of the situation.) I've got all my fingers, toes, eyes, knees and other flexible body parts crossed that we do end up with an "El Niño" of sorts - plenty of rain for us means our water issues will ease dramatically.

Anyhoo. More on NaNo tomorrow - providing that all my music obligations won't get completely in the way of producing any word count. Like I said, Life™ itself is a real obstacle this year around.

526 / 50000 words. 1% done!

Ta, folks!

yickety-yack, miscellaneous, nanowrimo, \

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