What a Sunday!

Jan 20, 2014 09:51

Yeah, I know I haven't posted at all this year. Bad Aeärwen! I'll make that up to you now by yakking, complaining and ranting about my New Year so far.

All kinds of news, musings and fussings under the cut, for those interested. )

miscellaneous, computer woes, writing, rants, yickety-yak, pets

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Comments 9

randy_o January 20 2014, 19:46:31 UTC
Oh, that bleeping HP Support Assistant! I hate it. I had a helluva scare last night when my computer began to 'labor' so I re-booted it. And then to my horror, windows would not load. Finally I saw little window on the otherwise black screen telling me that HP support Assistant was updating. It took its damn time, I can tell you, and today, the whole computer is slow.

For some reason, it refuses to update my printer driver (also a HP), so I have the Windows Device Manager telling me I have issues.


aearwen2 January 21 2014, 18:43:09 UTC
I just finished going into settings and telling the Stupid Software that it can notify me that updates are available, but NOT download/install them.

Even the Support Rep in India told me, point-blank, "NEVER click on updates. Ever."



randy_o January 21 2014, 18:57:27 UTC
Wow -- that's good to know. I'm trying to set mine the same way.

Did the Support Rep mean never to click on any updates, or only those from HP?


engarian January 21 2014, 11:48:29 UTC
So happy you got your computer working once again. It's frustrating to the max when automated systems just "assume" X, Y and Z and really don't check for compatibility first. I look forward to catching up with you tomorrow. Hugs to your poor kitty!

- Erulisse (one L)


aearwen2 January 21 2014, 18:45:19 UTC
I don't even let Windows do that. So I just went in and told the Idiot Coding that it could nudge me, but do nothing on its own.

Kitty is feeling a bit better this morning. We're having to keep an eye on her E-collar, as her attempts to scratch her neck tend to untie the laces, making it possible for her to get it off (smart little lady that she is.) I've got it double-tied now, so we'll see how long that lasts.

Looking forward to our talk tomorrow too.


lindahoyland January 21 2014, 14:49:48 UTC
Sorry about your computer issues. I hate Windows 8!
Hope your cat soon feels better. I've signed up for a BTME prompt too.Good luck!


aearwen2 January 21 2014, 18:48:20 UTC
I heard from someone that they may release Win9 sometime next year, and it'll look like Win 7 again. Considering the sales numbers, I seriously doubt we'll see much of Win8 for very long. It is seriously NOT popular.

Good luck with you B2MEM prompt. I'm still stewing on mine, deciding the right tack to take on it.

Sadie's feeling more herself - jumping up into windows, a little clumsily but determinedly. Eating well. Sleeps well too, especially if I hold her. I made a bed for her out of my Snuggie, which I will only reclaim for my own use when I watch TV in the living room on Wed. nite.


lifefailsme January 22 2014, 15:43:53 UTC
I still have not got used to Windows 7 so I cant imagine 8.1. it takes me a long time and I HATE with a passion the whole UAC thing that I feel forced to keep on annoying me with almost every click... Oh and I LOATHE entirely the even as a administrator you are highly limited tto what you can do so it is best to keep it on thing. Why can't the richest man in the world make his company create an OS that is safe and not buggy as? Cos he is a dick is what it is, a dick.

Glad to hear you have the health insurance now, it must be a worry taken away that.

Be happy and "see" you around LJ :)


marta_bee January 26 2014, 07:20:42 UTC
First off, it's barely the second half of January when you posted this. You don't get to feel guilty about going a long ways into 2014 before posting. :-)

Also, I want to commend you - you dealt with two people in situations where you had every reason to be frustrated at the representative you dealt with, but to hear you describe the situations, you were very patient and fairminded with them. That's such a rare trait.


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