NaNo-less Day 2

Nov 14, 2013 18:13

No, I haven't done word count since Tuesday. My mind simply doesn't want to be pushed into working in my Phoenix world. Then again, yesterday was completely lost as a result of having far too little sleep the night before. Luckily enough, however, the news from OR was encouraging...

Update under the cut )

yickety-yack, miscellaneous, family

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Comments 2

sykira November 15 2013, 15:33:36 UTC
Holy crap, hon, urghhhhhhhhhh…

I am so sorry about everything you are going through. I'm glad Vanna is okay. I have no advice at all -- just good wishes. Parenting is so hard.


galantha_nivala November 16 2013, 15:26:34 UTC
Wow. Word count pales in comparison. I'm glad that things are going a bit better for you and for Vanna. Talking to the therapist may be Sul's way of helping.

Letting your mind take a break sounds like a really good idea.


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