NaNo - Day 10 (written on the 11th)

Nov 11, 2013 10:44

Yesterday was a no-production day NaNo-wise - and for a good reason. I played for the Theosophical temple service at 10:30 (complete with solo) and then turned around and came right back to the Lodge for the Players meeting/rehearsal at 2 that ran an hour and a half. Wasn't entirely surprised to discover that our Christmas play has been ( Read more... )

yickety-yack, musings, miscellaneous, family, nanowrimo, writing

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Comments 1

engarian November 12 2013, 15:47:07 UTC
JJ would be really happy to have Vanna back, and I suspect that if s/he is living in a situation that had some outside stability, s/he would be better able to focus on her personal growth and desires and be able to make open-eyed decisions about her future. We can talk about this on Wednesday if you want...or not...whatever floats your boat :-) *hugs*

- Erulisse (one L)


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