Been a while...

Sep 03, 2011 12:16

Yes, I'm still breathing air.

Misc. Natterings Under The Cut For The Uninterested )

miscellaneous, yicketty-yak

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Comments 3

engarian September 4 2011, 04:19:20 UTC
It's lovely just to get an update from you. If your cold hit you as hard as mine hit me, I feel for you. I was able to indulge mine for all of a day.... I have a feeling this one will be a much longer slog than usual for me.

Be good to yourself, GF.

- Erulisse (one L)


aearwen2 September 4 2011, 05:28:26 UTC
I may have crowed too soon about being over things. I have a naggy *ache* at the back of my throat - and daughter Súl has it too. I'm hoping I'm not getting set for Round #2... :-p


jkahane September 4 2011, 13:37:59 UTC
Glad to hear the cold didn't take you out for too long. Always good to hear. Echinacea is good for you. :)

Hopefully I'll get you involved in the Airship Pirates Play By e-Mail game that I'm planning to set up soon. You'd make a good pirate, methinks. Arrrrr!!!! :)


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