Been a while...

Sep 03, 2011 12:16

Yes, I'm still breathing air.

I caught myself a summer cold - most likely because the stress from my Week From Hell™ drove down my resistence. The bad news is that it landed on me like a ton of lead. The good news is that I managed NOT to end up with a case of bronchitis, like I used to. Perhaps it's because I actually take vitamins nowadays; perhaps it's because I start popping the eccinachea almost immediately after I start feeling cruddy; and perhaps it's because for the last couple of times, I've taken absolutely NOTHING that inhibits the symptoms - no antihistemines, no Ni-Quil, no Yerba Santa tea, no Contac, no Emergen-C, no nothin. The cold lasted, predictably, ten days. And now, I barely even cough.

While feeling like road kill, I did manage to get another chapter of IDD finished. It's now up at the Lizard Council for serious grooming. I'm already started on the next chapter after that, and I'm hoping that I have a couple of surprises up my sleeve yet for that tale before it's finished. It will be a relief, really, to have it done, groomed and ready for posting. I'm hoping folks will enjoy it as much as I've enjoyed writing it.

When not working on IDD, I've toyed with a couple of multi-chapter sequels in my "In The Dark" story!verse: "In The Elvenking's Forest" and Inheritance". "Inheritance" is a modern-day tale, where "In the Elvenking's Forest" takes place some unknown number of decades (centuries) after the events in LotR and "In The Dark". I also tinkered with another one-shot in my IDD!verse entitled "Farewell to Lorinand," starring Celeborn and - believe it or not - some OC hobbits!! I write hobbits like... um... never. But this sets up something that will eventually come to fruition in IDD eventually, altho if it ends up in Avathar, Araman (not sure if that's the direction I'll go after Avathar or not...) or somewhere else is still up in the air.

I'm still stimied on my hopes of acquiring a cross-strung harp. The one I want is back-ordered to the factory - and has been for the past three months. Supposedly they will be in stock sometime in September or October. I keep calling them like every two weeks to find out if they've had a shipment in. In the meantime, I've yet to order the books I need; I suppose I probably should have those on hand for when the harp actually gets here. I'll post pics when I have it in hand.

So that's the news - what little there is of it. My son in OR will be down for a few days' visit in a couple of weeks, which will be wonderful. My daughter Súl is struggling with panic attacks lately, and is finally starting to move towards seeing an MD and getting herself checked out. Hubby was crowing loudly this morning that he's lost 10 pounds in the last week (he restarted his diet.)

And I managed to do some piano practice, but could probably use a few hours to work on the Mozart I'll be playing for the prelude next Sunday. Dammit! I wanna mess around with a harp too!! *grumble*

Until next time...

miscellaneous, yicketty-yak

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