Stick A Fork In Me - I'm DONE!

Aug 14, 2011 20:41

Well, the Week From Hell™ is officially over. Even better: I survived.

Mostly. )

miscellaneous, music-making, yickety-yak

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Comments 2

engarian August 15 2011, 09:20:26 UTC
Well done, Awarwen. This was a major point in your summer life and having it behind you leave you free to look ahead again. I love the fact that your muse is tapping you again. Mine has been whipping me unrelentingly. Although I only have Chapter 2, part 2 up for crit at LC, I am in process of writing Chapter 8 and there is such a long road ahead of Helyanwe. The crazy things we do....

{{{{ Hugs }}}} to you and congratulations.

- Erulisse (one L)


jkahane August 15 2011, 12:51:31 UTC
Glad to hear that you survived the week, dear.

Things can only look up from here, right? :)


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