Stick A Fork In Me - I'm DONE!

Aug 14, 2011 20:41

Well, the Week From Hell™ is officially over. Even better: I survived.

The Revue Performance last night went better than I expected and hoped. It seemed like once the lights went up with a real audience in front, everybody's inspiration and Muses jumped up to the task. The Joplin pieces went fairly well - although I admit to skipping every last repeat and omitting entirely the one section of the Peacherine Rag that my left arm simply refused to cooperate on. I gave a nice ragtime DO ending, and few if any noticed the omission - which was just fine. The singers camped it up, and the little one (I think she's 5 - maybe) was (as intended) the show-stealer, dancing her way through the pieces she was a part of. She even acquitted herself fairly well singing the chorus of "Mary's a Grand Old Name".

And finally, tonight's ending service (a meditation service) I played as prelude the "Passapied" from Debussy's Suite Bergamasque - and that went over very well. It's a joy to play for folks who enjoy listening, I swear. Came home afterwards, and Súl - bless her heart - made me a nice stiff watermelon sour/vodka drink to celebrate making it all the way to DONE.

I'm actually fairly contented with how things went, and I've decided I'm not going to waste all the forward momentum on practicing. I have preludes once a month to look forward to, and usually a solo anthem-ish piece once a month as well, so I need to not let myself slip back into mediocrity again. Besides, I keep telling myself that having my arm used to being USED might make things easier when I can finally get that harp.

Ah. The harp. I called the company I am going to buy it from, and got the latest date when they will be back in stock: mid-October. I still think I'll call about four weeks from now, just in case. I briefly considered buying one of the three "blemished" harps that they did have in stock - until I found out that the "blemish" on each was a ruined soundboard. They'd sell me the damaged instrument, complete with replacement soundboard, and leave it to me to get the thing replaced. Um... no... The Universe is telling me that the time isn't right yet for me to spend the money for the thing, and it's a heckuva lot wiser than I am. So I am to practice patience.

Getting antsy though. I really want to start learning to play. My music Muse has definitely gotten herself rejuvenated, because she's the one tapping her fingers and grumbling in the back of my mind "why the heck don't they get off their duffs and get those things made and shipped already!!" I may ease her a little by purchasing the beginning cross-strung harp how-to book from Harper Tasche, so that I can start to "work things" in my mind ahead of getting something tangible.

In the meanwhile, my writing Muse decided to poke her head up again - this time on a multi-chaptered piece taking place a LONG time in the future of the In The Dark timeline. It's called "Inheritance", and she finally fed me the key piece to the bit of conflict that needs to be resolved in the story. I've worked on it between practice sessions, and now hope to put in some more time and maybe get it ready to be groomed. I don't think the Lizards have seen any of this yet...

Tonight, however, I intend to try to get a full and decent night's sleep with no performance jitters hanging over my head like a sword. There's a Christmas program (mostly carols, nothing really fancy) to help put together, and I'll be helping our play producer come up with music for a completely new production to be performed in May of next year. Plenty of time to relax for a bit.


miscellaneous, music-making, yickety-yak

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