Fic: All is Violent, All is Bright 11/11

Oct 02, 2011 21:42

Title: All is Violent, All is Bright 11/11
Author: sparrow_hubris
Prompt: innocence
Word count: 1,284 this part
Rating: PG-13 - NC-17 (This part NC-17)
Warnings: Underage 15/17, Apocalypse & general destruction, Violence, Mentions of death, violence towards animals (hunting: prev parts )
Betas: night_reveals
Notes: So this chapter was waiting art, but unfortunately the ( Read more... )

team angst, fic, prompt: innocence, wip

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Comments 22

ladderax October 3 2011, 04:52:29 UTC
;_; What a gorgeous ending. The sex was so hot. And the way you made it clear that their future was still uncertain was brilliant, even though it still ached so much to think about that. I'm so impressed with this whole story.


lilyfarfalla October 3 2011, 05:31:37 UTC
Love the uncertainty of their future melded with their certainty in each other. This has been such a fantastic series!!


herinfiniteeyes October 3 2011, 05:31:51 UTC

(Sorry, lame comment is lame, but y'know I love this story and I can't really think of much else to say:-D)



krytella October 3 2011, 05:58:08 UTC
Yay smutty ending! Love seeing them end up happy together. And the non-simultaneous orgasms. <3


hungerpunch October 3 2011, 06:43:56 UTC
uhggg yes the sex was so nice, but more than that, what a gorgeous perfect way to end this awesome, bamf of a story. i loved this start to finish and definitely wish there was more. if you ever find yourself wanting to write codas for this i would totally be there :DD no pressure, though, bc this serious is fabulous as is and you are so good to us \o/


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