Fic: All is Violent, All is Bright 11/11

Oct 02, 2011 21:42

Title: All is Violent, All is Bright 11/11
Author: sparrow_hubris
Prompt: innocence
Word count: 1,284 this part
Rating: PG-13 - NC-17 (This part NC-17)
Warnings: Underage 15/17, Apocalypse & general destruction, Violence, Mentions of death, violence towards animals (hunting: prev parts )
Betas: night_reveals
Notes: So this chapter was waiting art, but unfortunately the ( Read more... )

team angst, fic, prompt: innocence, wip

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Comments 22

mementis October 3 2011, 07:30:08 UTC
*yes!* omg I can read this now, I cannot wait! :) :)


vock October 3 2011, 09:15:20 UTC
Lovely ending! But you caught me by surprise with the hot sex because I was like wow that's really smooth for a first time, and then it turned out to be a year after! What a way to show their growth as a couple. I love it! ;oD


tiger_iris October 3 2011, 09:40:57 UTC
This story was absolutely wonderful.

The angst, the alternate universe, the slow build of their friendship, Arthur's fear of losing Eames, I loved everything. And what a gorgeous ending! I was a bit surprised at first, since I thought it directly followed the previous part, but it all made sense in the end. I'd very happy to read more in this universe, what happened in the future, but also their first time, or some of Eames's confessions. *is greedy*. Anyhow, don't mind me and thanks so much for a beautiful read!


we_reflamingos October 3 2011, 10:59:06 UTC
For all the angst, this was lovely. I was particularly taken in part 5/6 where they were stuck in a kind of limbo, sharing their drawings and building a little fantasy world together. And the art was lovely and perfect for placing them in their world. Thank you and sorry for the delay, but I can only take so many wips at a time. /o\


twisted_ream October 3 2011, 12:00:21 UTC
weirdly enough there are tears to describe the love I feel for this.


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