A brief proposal about organization of therapeutic and recreational activities on Pacific Islands.

Jun 29, 2009 10:29

The core of the idea is an external use of activated talasso-mixtures and fito-mixtures (emulsions, balms) prepared on essential oils. This usage combined with massage and water therapy. The aim of the method is removing toxins, restore and rejuvenate the human body, strengthen the immune system.

Balms and emulsions used in the form of compresses and smearing the body that allows gradually impregnate the whole body through the skin down to the bone. During 8-10 sessions the body is impregnated until the bones, all the salt deposits is resolving, the joints and many internal organs begin to function normally. Human organism is cleared of toxins. The body rejuvenates and the immune system increases its capacity. Many diseases simply disappear. For example, during several courses of treatment (each course contains 8-10 sessions) the lost functions of the musculoskeletal system can be restored.

Hair loss is terminated within two to three procedures (less than one week). I have been able to eliminate asthma of my mother for three weeks, her asthmatic attacks disappeared irrevocably.

There are techniques specifically for women and children. For women - the rejuvenation of the skin and removing wrinkles all over the body, restoring elasticity of a breast, improvement breast form and increasing its size, enhancing the overall attractiveness, restoring fertility, etc. With this method weak children normalize their development and enhance immunity.

All of these phyto-preparations and methods are my addition to the works of Sebastian Kneipp (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sebastian_Kneipp ), Alexander Zalmanov (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alexander_Zalmanov ), and my teacher Vitaly Vasilyevich Karavaev. I have devoted 34 years of my life to these methods of healing.

These techniques have proven to be highly effective for the rehabilitation of the inhabitants of areas which was affected by the Chernobyl accident.

The selection of specific phyto-preparations and their application methods depends on the mental and physical state of the person, the time of year and conditions of use (such as housing accommodations, bath and shower availability, ambient temperature, conditions of a rest that are available after the procedure).

There are no age restrictions in the use of these phyto-preparations. The methodology for their application only slightly adjusted depending on age. The only restriction is individual intolerance to these procedures, that's rather rarely could be found in practice.

According to the results of clinical trials of the late 80's and early 90-ies that was held in some hydropathic clinics, the effectiveness of the treatment of joints diseases (arthritis, arthrosis, osteochondrosis, spondylosis, etc.) reaches 92-94%.

I suppose that it would be very interesting and perspective to test my methods in the Oceania conditions, because of year-round warmth there and a possibility of growing the healing herbs year-round. It almost no needs to invest there to obtain excellent results in treatment and rehabilitation with high profitability. I have a lot of successful experience of this method's adaptation to the conditions of more than a dozen countries from Scandinavia to Cyprus. In this connection, I have a particular interest to Oceania for a long time.

In these places the procedure can be carried out directly on the beach sand under a canopy. There is no need in special heated room or special equipment. All you need are competently prepared fito-mixtures with the plants, which are grown right here. Besides, skilled masseur hands, a little water to wash the patient (client) after the procedure and recreation room for the patients. It's all.
But this is not a panacea, and it is impossible to help any and all people who suffer from any ailment. However, most of the people can get effective assistance.

Institutionally, these services can be divided into two areas:

- prophylactic procedures to improve the health and appearance of the healthy people.
- health-improving and medicinal procedures for people with impaired health.

The greatest effect of using these techniques is in the treatment for immune-deficient and joints diseases (diseases of locomotor’s system).
If investors who are interested in this method will be found, it is quite possible to organize production and export of fito-balms and emulsions to many countries around the world.

Akim Bogatyryov.

Member of the Russia Association of Traditional Healers, Member of the Russian International Register of Complementary Medicine, professional lector, the descendant of Don Cossacks.
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