Making Progress --- Thanks be to God!

Jun 28, 2009 22:02

Well, I realized this evening that if I did not waste time, I could make it home to start my evening meditation between 830 and 9pm.  I did a regular session with about ten minutes of "rising, falling" breathing exercises suggested by Cynthia from the Dhamma Friend Program (She suggested 15 minutes, but ten minutes for this evening will be a good start.  I also sent an email message back to Cynthia requesting to participate in the 12 week Dhamma Friend Program thru July, August, and September.

On other notes, I did stop by the place where I have my trailers and flea market stuff and accomplished quite a bit of reorganization which I have been slowly struggling with.  Everything usually in small steps, but hopefully always progress in the long run.

Thanks for your interest; have fun and enjoy life,

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