Characters: Ukitake Jyuushirou (
taichou_tb ) and Kazahana/ES!Rukia (
snowburned )
When: Monday, June 7
Where: The elevator and Adstring! Wherever they decide to explore, like exploring things.
Rating: PG? For the 13th Division being cursed?
Summary: Ukitake meets Rukia once again. Or is she...? Please Daddy Shirou, don't kill off more subordinates.
There are certain things that should be left unsaid... )
Comments 34
Ukitake assumed the new mark on the landscape somehow connected the worlds now. That, or the Animus were just messing with them. Again. Even if Kuchiki were a normal new arrival, he would have to be careful.
Ukitake raised a hand in greeting and, hoping not to frighten her, announced, "Hello, there."
"Why didn't you tell me you were coming down here?" she asked as she drew closer. "I would have gone with you."
He patted the log beside him, inviting her to sit with him, as he thought about how to introduce himself. Making her feel comfortable was the top priority, as well as staying vague so he didn't hurt her.
A few moments passed as he glanced out over the water. "I've always been here."
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