Characters: Ukitake Jyuushirou (
taichou_tb ) and Kazahana/ES!Rukia (
snowburned )
When: Monday, June 7
Where: The elevator and Adstring! Wherever they decide to explore, like exploring things.
Rating: PG? For the 13th Division being cursed?
Summary: Ukitake meets Rukia once again. Or is she...? Please Daddy Shirou, don't kill off more subordinates.
There are certain things that should be left unsaid... )
Ukitake assumed the new mark on the landscape somehow connected the worlds now. That, or the Animus were just messing with them. Again. Even if Kuchiki were a normal new arrival, he would have to be careful.
Ukitake raised a hand in greeting and, hoping not to frighten her, announced, "Hello, there."
"Why didn't you tell me you were coming down here?" she asked as she drew closer. "I would have gone with you."
He patted the log beside him, inviting her to sit with him, as he thought about how to introduce himself. Making her feel comfortable was the top priority, as well as staying vague so he didn't hurt her.
A few moments passed as he glanced out over the water. "I've always been here."
"What do you mean, Koi?" she asked cautiously. It was Koi, wasn't it? Everything her senses told her indicated yes.
But then again, maybe not.
So his name was Koi where she was from. Fitting, he supposed, and a bit amusing. "At the risk of sounding confused, what name do you go by?"
She peered at his face, searching for any difference. But his features perfectly matched the smiling, amiable Koi she knew. Had it not been for his gentle correction, she never would have guessed it. "I'm Kazahana," she said. "And you-you are from my world originally, aren't you?"
He folded his hands in his lap. "Kazahana," he said to himself, smiling at how that fit, as well. "It's good to meet you. Again. And I am, if we are referring to the world before these two." He inclined his head toward the elevator. "You may call me Koi, or another name if you feel that would be too confusing, should I meet him."
But how head it? And how could there be more than one of them? This obviously wasn't a case of twins. From the same world? Not quite, not both Koi and this not-Koi man in the same one. Slightly alternate ones? It made her head spin. "Koi is the name he chose," she said. "But if you tell me yours, I may be able to hear it. That's not such a rare thing for us."
Could he tell her his name? It didn't seem right. Ukitake wouldn't be responsible for more of his subordinates' pain. "Are you sure that would be all right? I don't want to take any risks."
The truth was Kazahana needed to take this risk. She'd been in the sphere too long to accept a lack of answers as their granted lot. They needed to know more.
Luckily for Ukitake, his name was long, and he'd picked up a few nicknames from others simply because of that. Still, he took a deep breath, and tried to keep his nerves down. "You may start with calling me Jyuu."
"I'm guessing that's not what I used to call you," she said, smiling. "I wish I could introduce myself to you properly. I've almost heard my name a couple of times, in memories-but it's always static, or sort of blanked out. Maybe I'm just not ready to know yet."
"You don't call me that, no, but it is a pleasant change." Shame she didn't know her own name, though. To be part of the Kuchiki Clan and not know... "I am quite fond of your real name, Kazahana-san. It fits you." Well, everything seemed to be all right for now. "I hope you can hear it soon."
It still surprised her sometimes, that it had been so long-yet it seemed almost like very little time had passed, which was strange, considering she could only remember fragments of her previous life. "What about you? How long have you been in this place?"
Her question brought him back to the present. "About a year, though I don't remember the exact date." Showing up in a strange world with a best friend-induced hangover and sudden coughing fit could do that, after all.
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