Title: Possibilities 1/? Summary: Got the idea from: chippedandflyingsaucer's post, "...did HG and a an ex-girlfriend discover artificial insemination in the 1890's?" Note: Ewww, sperms. Rated: PG to M!
Title Rough Pairing Hg/Myka Fandom Warehouse 13 Rating Rated M Summary This is sorta cracky. Helena really wants Myka to do something for her...or is it to her?
Title: Ruined Plans -- IDF Ficathon Fandom: Warehouse 13 Pairing: HG/Myka Prompt: Myka has an untimely run in with a chastity belt... Rated : R. Smutty smut smut
Title: Wide Open Pairing: HG/Myka fic Rated: Rated R, dudes. A/N: its one of my firsts, dunno if it's any good, but here's to hoping. Cheers! Summary: Helena and Myka get busy in the morning...