Friending a Frenzy

Mar 07, 2007 11:48

I've seen several people on my flist do friending frenzies in the past. Even gained some wonderful friends through said frenzies. And, for awhile, I've considered doing one myself. So I've decided "Today IS the day!" So I bring you... Amber's Friending Frenzy ( Read more... )

friends, friending frenzy

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Comments 75

norda March 7 2007, 18:05:06 UTC
Wow! I actually made it to the first page of one of these things!

I'm going to cheat and plug all three of my journals at once for people to add, while I cut and paste my standard entry for these Friend-zies.

Reader, writer, tinker, editor, thinker, retailer, dreamer.

Irrepressible dictionary.

Occasionally does duty as a wise old mother elf in leather.

44 years old and proud of it. A 4'10"-ish legally blind curvy armful with long grey hair, a heart of stone, a silver tongue, a mind like a steel trap, nerves of Saran wrap, and a gimpy leg.

I literally see the world with black outlines around objects, which makes me feel like I live in an animated movie, but which plays hell with my depth perception.

I think in music, and I sing... tolerably well, I'm told. But Kate Thornton can vouch that Stephen Hawking dances better than I.

Bookseller of juvenile and other titles. Comic book and sci-fi dealer. Literary collaborator.

My norda journal, Syzygy, is about me and the people in my life, both online and offline. You will rarely see ( ... )


adpaz March 7 2007, 20:27:09 UTC
Not only the first page, but the first ONE! Welcome! And it's nice to meet you "officially". I've seen you around in various places (Scandal Sheet! and popfiend's journal mainly). Nice to meet you! And I hope you don't mind if I add you?


norda March 7 2007, 20:57:00 UTC
Nice to meet you officially, too! [It's getting harder these days for me to track who knows me from where...]

Please, add away!


adpaz March 8 2007, 19:29:26 UTC
Thanks! :)


swirvel42 March 7 2007, 18:55:04 UTC
Hi! popfiend sent me. :)

I'm Marian. I'm a 24 (25 in May) mom of a, coincidentally) 1 year old boy. (18 months this month!) I'm working part time in my dad's office, and currently living with my parents while my boyfriend nurgal lives in Philly. I will be moving to Philly by the end of the summer. Yay!

Other stuff? I'm a TOTAL geek, and just a little bit (Ok, COMPLETELY) off my rocker, but in a good way, I swear! I'm participating in LJ Idol, making slow progress with my friends thimble_island and nurgal on a graphic novel, I'm an artist. I love to read. And I'm a gamer (current game of choice is World of Warcraft). TV shows of interest Stargate SG-1, Law and Order: SVU, Doctor Who, The Dresden Files.

That's all I can think of at the moment. Anything else you want to know, Ask! My life is an open book to those who are interested. :)


adpaz March 7 2007, 20:31:07 UTC
Philly's a wonderful place. My husband grew up in the area (Cherry Hill, to be exact) and got his doctorate from UPenn. I lived with him there for 3 years before we moved to Nashville. I hope you enjoy it!

My little one is only 13 months old (well... close to. He'll be 13 months on the 13th.) I'm still waiting for the "taking off and running" stage. (And the teeth. I'm REALLY waiting for the slow-as-hell-to-come-in teeth! :))

It looks like we've got a lot in common. I hope you don't mind if I add you?


swirvel42 March 7 2007, 20:56:58 UTC
It is. I was there for about a year, but I didn't get a chance to know it very well. And I ended up moving in with my parents to save money. It was a big mess, but it's working out better now. :) I'll be back there soon enough, with SO many more possibilities there than here. :)

Awe. Connor started walking at about 11 months, and I think his teeth started coming in just a couple months before that. (He had the one tooth look going for awhile, it was SO cute.) Now he's getting two molars in, which broke through without even a PEEP. Now he likes to bite things.. like me and the cat.

Go ahead! :) *added back*


adpaz March 8 2007, 19:35:17 UTC

I can definitely point you in the direction of a few good places to check out, if you're interested. Mainly restaurants and the like, but I do know of a few other things as well.

Teddy's been ahead in some things - like sleeping through the night and crawling and rolling over - but behind in others like teeth and crawling. His first one has actually come through and stayed through recently. I can't SEE it (it's on the bottom and he won't move his tongue!), but I can sure feel it's sharpness.

Aren't little ones great though?


tru2myart March 7 2007, 19:22:12 UTC
:waves: Hi! I've seen you in various journals and you sound incredibly sweet. I'm a friend of both popfiend and Gary. I'm also currently a stay at home Mom, although I think that's going to change after the summer. Right now I'm in the process of reorganizing my house and trying to get all those little projects done that we just never seem to get to. My SO is vanguardme if you ever want to check him out. I'm an artist, sometimes, and easygoing, most of the time. :D

So, where should I set the brownies and liquor?


clauderainsrm March 7 2007, 20:25:02 UTC
Amber has actually been bothered by me in person!!!


adpaz March 7 2007, 20:39:07 UTC
And then I ran far, far away. :p


tru2myart March 7 2007, 21:42:27 UTC
LMAO!!! I don't blame you, I've heard that reaction alot after people meet Gary. :P


clauderainsrm March 7 2007, 20:12:09 UTC
I'm me. No, really, I am.


adpaz March 7 2007, 20:39:33 UTC
You are the one and only Gary-the-cookie-monster. THAT'S who you are!


sapphirescarlet March 7 2007, 23:57:52 UTC
May I ask where you got your icon? I have one that's similar, but I asked the "maker" to change it just a tad for me.

just curious, that's all.


adpaz March 8 2007, 19:40:16 UTC
I think I found the picture and sent it to a friend who does much better photoshopping than I do. I asked him to add the words for me. I like your version a little better though. :)


Here via <lj user="popfiend"> interactiveleaf March 7 2007, 20:29:48 UTC
Hello, y'all.

My name is Samantha. My posting habits are erratic at best, and my posts are often erratic as well; lately I've been linking to unusual or interesting news a lot, and I plan to start subjecting people to decently-well-thought-out rants about politics and etymology.

I rarely talk about my life, but that's really because these days, I'm boring. You really should have caught my LJ when I was actively working as a ProDomme, but it's too late for that now.

My userpics are amusing and (sometimes) relevant to what I'm talking about. I throw fantastic parties, which is kind of useless information unless you're in the Central Texas area. But really--you're invited. See my LJ for directions.

I am a decent cook, I have no children, and the act of friending me has often directly led to an offer of baked goods arriving in the mail. Baked goods that are heavy on the chocolate.

What more can I possibly say?


Re: Here via <lj user="popfiend"> adpaz March 7 2007, 20:42:39 UTC
Mmmm.... chocolate....

It's nice to meet someone else who loves to bake. I don't get as much time to do it as I'd like (Little One doesn't let me get nearly as much done as I used to!) but occasionally, a few people have had a surprise of baked goods show up on their doorstep. Usually cookies... they're far easier to transport than cakes and pies.

I hope you don't mind if I add you?


Re: Here via <lj user="popfiend"> interactiveleaf March 7 2007, 21:26:46 UTC
Hello! Welcome to the madhouse.


Re: Here via <lj user="popfiend"> adpaz March 8 2007, 19:41:18 UTC
Thankee much!

And, by the way, I LOVE the icon!


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