Friending a Frenzy

Mar 07, 2007 11:48

I've seen several people on my flist do friending frenzies in the past. Even gained some wonderful friends through said frenzies. And, for awhile, I've considered doing one myself. So I've decided "Today IS the day!" So I bring you... Amber's Friending Frenzy ( Read more... )

friends, friending frenzy

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tru2myart March 7 2007, 19:22:12 UTC
:waves: Hi! I've seen you in various journals and you sound incredibly sweet. I'm a friend of both popfiend and Gary. I'm also currently a stay at home Mom, although I think that's going to change after the summer. Right now I'm in the process of reorganizing my house and trying to get all those little projects done that we just never seem to get to. My SO is vanguardme if you ever want to check him out. I'm an artist, sometimes, and easygoing, most of the time. :D

So, where should I set the brownies and liquor?


clauderainsrm March 7 2007, 20:25:02 UTC
Amber has actually been bothered by me in person!!!


adpaz March 7 2007, 20:39:07 UTC
And then I ran far, far away. :p


tru2myart March 7 2007, 21:42:27 UTC
LMAO!!! I don't blame you, I've heard that reaction alot after people meet Gary. :P


clauderainsrm March 7 2007, 21:50:28 UTC
I used to come over and hang out with her all the time!

imagine if you had to be worried that I might be stopping by! you'd move too!!!


adpaz March 8 2007, 19:36:53 UTC
Yeah, but at least we had some really good conversations which helped keep me (semi) sane.


adpaz March 8 2007, 19:36:03 UTC
It was just when he came peeking in my windows... ;)


adpaz March 7 2007, 20:37:15 UTC
Mmmm... brownies and liquor. I'm trying to decide if my husband tristam should know about them. :)

And *blush*. Thanks for the compliment.

I'm actually doing both the stay-at-home mom and part-time worker gig. It's not too bad, and it gets me out of the house to speak with adults. I definitely need more of that. Teddy's adorable, but not the best conversationalist. I've been in the midst of a huge spring cleaning around here. Every weekend a different room/area. Since I'm in an apartment, that's about the extent of household projects that I can do. Someday it'll be different. But now even just keeping up with a 1 year old and day to day cleaning is more than enough.

I hope you don't mind if I add you? I've actually been wanting to for awhile but I'm generally shy about adding people out of the blue.


tru2myart March 7 2007, 21:47:03 UTC
:nodnod: Oy to I understand that need to get out of the house and talk to adults! I was working full time but I was laid off recently so this is the first chance I've had to stay at home with my family in a few years. There's part of me that likes it and part of me that wants to rip my hair out and change my name to Britney. :D

I don't mind at all and I'll happily add you back. I'm a bit shy about that myself to be honest.


adpaz March 8 2007, 19:38:37 UTC
Ick. Laid off is bad. I'd always been planning on being a strictly stay-at-home mom but Rich (my husband) is a post-doc so money is... short. I'm the same way, though. There are times when I wouldn't trade it for the world, and times I'd sell Teddy to the lowest bidder! :D


flutterbychild March 7 2007, 21:22:55 UTC
Hi! What kind of artwork do you do?


tru2myart March 7 2007, 21:48:30 UTC
Hi there. I sketch and I paint, mostly in oils but I'm trying out acylics and water colors. I'm also currently taking classes to learn how to use Illustrator, I'm hoping to start drawing and painting with that soon as well.


flutterbychild March 7 2007, 23:50:45 UTC
Hi! I do a bit of everything, and I am anxious to learn how to use Illustrator, but I don't really have the time to take other classes besides those in my degree program. Is there any artwork in your journal? May I friend you?


tru2myart March 8 2007, 13:40:44 UTC
I've only posted one finished painting and one work in progress so far unfortunately. I have the world's lousiest digital camera and the pictures just never do the paintings justice. I'm hoping to get a scanner soon or at least a better camera so I can take better pictures. If you're interested I can take a few more and post them soon, I haven't done that for awhile and I'd love to get a fresh perspective.

I don't mind at all and I friended you back happily.


flutterbychild March 8 2007, 22:49:29 UTC
Oh, I am interested! I would be glad to give you some feedback...

I have some photos of my work in my LJ...feel free to give me feedback as well!


consectari March 7 2007, 23:15:23 UTC
I've seen you all over the place (I mostly lurk, so don't worry if you don't recognize the name!)...mind if I add you?


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