Title: Rediscovering Reality
Author: AdieAngel
Rating: PG for language
Pairing: House/Cuddy
Timeline: Soon after House’s release from Mayfield in the Season 6 premiere. I wrote this before “Broken”, so for the purposes of this fic, his therapist is a woman. Oops.
Disclaimer: I have no money, so please don’t sue me. House, Cuddy, and Wilson are
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Comments 6
"I hate you!"
"I hate you!" she screamed, tears streaming down her face as she pushed away from his embrace.
I always thought I could write some pretty bang-up dialogue if someone else wanted to write the rest of it :). It's the rest of it that gives me pause.
If inspiration strikes, I will write again, and will try to be more descriptive. I appreciate the concrit! Thanks for reading!
knowing what we know now, I take your script over the actual script ;)
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