in the interest of keeping everything organized:
while the city sleeps
Panic! At The Disco (Brendon/Spencer)
Written for
audreysrev's kink meme. 620 words, third person, something close to nc-17, probably.
“Fuck,” he says, his breath wet in his throat, humid air that he can’t quite get enough of.
while the city sleeps )
Comments 12
Gerard is absolutely right about it being a bad idea, but this is bandom where there the bad boys are far outnumbered by the bad idea boys, and Pete is their king.
I liked the second one better actually, there's a sexy sort of desperation in it that is completely different from the desperation of having your cock sucked. not that I'm against blowjobs or anything, but I liked the subtlety.
loved this line best: There is harshness between them, and almost no reason for it. Gerard’s not sure he’s ever wondered why before.
and now, as promised, the funny story about being blonde and reading porn.
you know how when you're reading your eyes sort of drift ahead while your brain is still processing what you read a few lines earlier? maybe not everyone does this. but I do, and sometimes they come back with something to tell. like thud. and what I thought on reading that wasn't "oh, throes of orgasm" or even "no Spencer, concussions are bad for you!" it was... wait for it ( ... )
Also, yeah, Frank and Mikey would totally get free soda. Probably enough that Gerard would start to get suspicious every time Mikey hands him a soda. (Ugh, writing about siblings makes me very happy. Although, really, the Way's seem to argue less than normal siblings do. Oh well.)
and then one day he sees them at it, all blind passion totally unaware of the fact they're pressing every button on the machine and Gerard's first though is "sex?" and his second thought is "ahhh, my baby brother has a sex life that I can't ignore BECAUSE IT IS HAPPENING RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME!" his third thought comes after the kaclunk-thud sound that comes from the vending machine and then he's like "MENTAL SCARRING! MY SODAS HAVE BEEN PAID FOR WITH SEX!" or something like that.
they really don't seem to argue that much, but that could just be that we don't get to see it. or maybe it's because Gerard is actually Mikey's crazy aunt Trudy.
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