another day in my life

Jul 10, 2006 06:34

hello, again, everyone!

reminders: Nix Smith, 26, Richmond, Virginia. 112 photos. I'm really thorough.

I've attempted to do this a few times since my last ADIML post, but things kept keeping me from being able to finish the whole day so they all got scrapped. this time I decided to give you another Sunday. this time it's an errand/screw around day.

I look really sad here but I wasn't, just REALLY groggy.

Bruce helps me try to wake up.

good morning, Fester!

make coffee

good morning, Barry and Chester!

I feed the kitchen animals. Chester is the guinea pig on the left, Barry is the bunny on the right.

Kay wants to know why I'm not feeding her. They never believe that Jeff will feed them.

good morning, computer! the screen saver rotates through some photos I've taken.

check email

and myspace

and my friends page

morning weigh-in (I always strip down to weigh so it's accurate.).

I Love these shorts! we got them at the beach last year. I sleep in them almost every night in the summer.

Bruce tells me how skinny I look.

I'm watching Lackawanna Blues, one of my favorite favorite movies EVAR. I wanted to see it because of the great music. I fell in Love because it's a great story. I cry like 7 or 8 times every time I see it.

I'm much more awake now.

washing the dishes

I'm so sexy when I'm domestic. apparently I was cold.

hey, Barry!

a job well done! those dishes were in some serious need of being done.

I had the movie on in the kitchen too. it makes no difference that I've seen it a million times, I want to watch it again now, damn it!

the viceroy made cinnamon rolls for breakfast! they were so good, I'd already eaten one before I remembered to take a photo.

the movie is over now

so I'm sad

but Happy doesn't give a shit

damn you, credits!

a bit of a boost since I didn't drink any coffee.

the morning pills. one no-baby pill, one no-crazy pill, two no-sneezy/congestion pills.

I'm dressed now but I still need makeup. we're going to the dump, damn it I want to look good. but I can't find my eyeliner.

so I use the one I keep stashed in the truck.

we don't usually have this much trash, but it's been a couple of weeks since we've been able to go.

my beautiful boyfriend

we need gas to get to the dump. apparently everyone else needs gas right now too. bastards.

I'm bored while the boyfriend gets gas so I make faces in the mirror.


everyone always posts their local gas prices.

getting cash for the dump

I didn't really get to take pictures at the dump because as soon as we backed in this guy dove right into the bed and tore our trash out like [insert offensive comparison here]. I was barely even able to snap the photo of him.

this is someone else's trash. had to snap this real quick since they were already shooing us away. the dump is busy on Sundays.

hey! the trash is gone! yay!

this is Riptide's, a gas station that was converted into a seafood restaurant. we haven't eaten there but we want to. it's actually a really popular place. it's also the landmark to know where to turn to get to the dump. we were waiting to turn left to leave the dump and I got a better photo this way.

creative street name

then we had to go to Lowe's

for this! it's two 8 foot long planks. I'm going to redo my closet tonight so that it's actually usable. what a concept.

jesus bobbles in approval.

back on the highway to get home. these trees are actually part of the swamp on the back of my property.

you can see my house from the highway if you know when to look. I was amazed I managed to get this shot.

I didn't want to drive all over with the planks in the trunk, that's why we came home before the rest of our errands.

rah! I'm so strong!

I Love this photo. my boy loves me.

one more, then back on the road.

I like this view. straight shot north.

the Princess in your mirror is closer than she appears.

still driving north. it's the same road but on the non-highway part of it.

hey, we're turning left finally! we're going to the two music stores and the pet store, all within the same block.

you can't see it, but I swear that's Sam Ash to my right...

Guitar Center in front of me...

and the pet store on the left. we went to the pet store first since Sam Ash wasn't open yet but I didn't take any photos.

Inside of Sam Ash. most of the guitar store photos were done flashless because I didn't want to get yelled at so they're blurry.

the first toy to play with



another bass

and another one

he'd planned on buying this one

but first we have to...

store ourselves? no, go back to Guitar Center to price/inventory check.

see? but after playing two basses there...

we go back to Sam Ash to get a used version of one of the ones he tried at Guitar Center.

he wants that one up at the top

so we enlist this guy with his magic giant ladder to retrieve it.

testing the bass before buying it. he did get this one after all.

on the way back we have to stop at Pet Club. I'm not a giant Pet Club fan (they're like the enemy of Perfect Pets, the place next to Guitar Center.), but it's the only place in Richmond to get...

Kay's favorite toy! She'll be really excited to get this. Her old one is really nasty looking now so I got her three. It was a whopping $3 for the three of them.

a kiss while waiting for the light to change.

back on the highway to go south again.

about to cross the river

the raging rapids.

at home again, I dump the memory card and resize the photos up until this point and start this post

the boy stands outside to talk to his parents (we're out in BFE so we get dick for cell reception unless you're outside.).

now it's time to redo the closet! one last look at it before.

I take out all of the clothes...

...all of the shoes...(for the record I have more shoes in other places. besides the white pair partially hidden by the boards, these are mostly shoes I don't actually wear. I'm a girl with a shoe fetish, what do you want?)...

...all of the crap that was on the top shelf since that's getting moved too. (bonus shot of Bruce since he had to sniff everything. so did all of the other cats until I shooed them out so they wouldn't get splinters in their paws while I was sawing and drilling.)...

...and lastly the rod (look how crooked 56 years worth of too many clothes makes a rod!) and shelf. note the authentic vintage shelf paper. also note when I put the shelf back up I left the paper as it is.

empty closet! now I have to get the shelf support/rod holders down.

an hour later and I've made a huge pile of sawdust already. the mess was much bigger than this but I didn't want to take too much of a break to get my hourly shot in.

another two hours later and I realize I need things and have to go back to Lowe's. bastards.

but before I leave I take one shot to show my progress. one new rod in place! yay! ok so it's really half of the old rod, but who's counting.

I return with two more rods (I can't believe I actually forgot the rods the first time we went)...

and a 1.5' drill bit. you can sort of see notes on my hand of how long each rod needed to be. I found out today that the right side of my closet is a full inch deeper than the left side. god bless the 50s.

an hour later I've got the second rod hung, and I actually eyeballed the correct distance! my small shirts (the majority of my wardrobe) fit perfectly on the top.

the third is hung too! you can see where the original rod was hung here. I'll paint that eventually. not tonight.

another hour and a half and the shelf is back up including all of its various stored crap, and I've rehung my clothes on their new, more appropriately placed rods! this side is for dresses, pants, long skirts and long jackets...

...and this side is for shirts, short skirts, and non-long jackets. I've added another 30' of rod space. HUGE difference.

my shoes, as you can see, still need a better home. that will come in another month or so. I'm going to build a shoe rack right into the back wall of the closet, still leaving enough room for me to actually stand INSIDE of my closet. I almost cried when I realized I was standing inside my closet to hang things. it's fucking brilliant.

holy hell am I tired...

but the day's not done yet. I have to do more laundry.

then I sit here to dump the memory card again and resize more photos and catch up with the post.

shower time! I keep my towels in the bedroom so they don't get stinky.

all clean so I want to clean my teeth too. I forgot to take one of these in the morning. best brushing photo yet!

watching My Fair Brady. this was a flashback scene to when they met on The Surreal Life. That's Ron Jeremy in a diaper for a Cupid costume and Adrienne telling her date she can't date him because she's in Love with Chris. I Love this shit.

show's over, watching something else, I don't remember what.

fruit snacks for dinner. I was so busy I forgot to eat!

Bruce reminds me this is not a healthy dinner.

the boyfriend says "stop trying to take my picture!"

he means it, see?


he was supposed to be taking a photo of him giving me a massage. I was really sore from all the work.

hahaha this looks dirty. it wasn't dirty until about 10 minutes later.

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